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Guard Your Mouth to a Happier Marriage
When we say I do we should also say, I won’t—I won’t use my words to hurt my spouse. Infidelity, addictions, and other major destructive behaviors can inflict mortal wounds on a marriage. But perhaps the greatest source of damage on relationships is the seemingly less harmful ones, particularly the cuts to the heart made through unkind speech. Sharp […]

Poem: “From Dust To Stars”
From Dust To Stars God said to Abraham, “Look and see The dust upon the earth, For so shall your descendants be In you shall nations have their birth.” But later God said, “Look now and see The stars up in the sky For no more as dust shall your descendants be But as the […]

Frustrations in Prayer
Fr. Ronald Knox, an English Catholic of the early 20th century and convert, gave retreats and talks to lay people to help them deepen and improve their spiritual life. In his Spiritual Guidance for Christian Living: A Retreat for Lay People, he gathers two dozen talks and homilies written for lay people and the troubles they […]

Abortion Promoters Intent on Infiltrating Development Goals
The international abortion lobby has experienced twenty years of stalled progress at the UN, but an article by one of its leaders reveals their ongoing efforts to promote their agenda in the upcoming plan for global development. Françoise Girard, president of the International Women’s Health Coalition, describes efforts to advance the concept of “sexual and […]

Standing Up For Christ
The Stations of the Cross is a service typically done on Friday evenings during the season of Lent. It’s fitting to meditate on Jesus’ passion and death during the somber time of Lent. The church echoes with the words, “We adore you, Oh Christ, and we praise You. Because by your Holy Cross you have […]

Book Review: Redeeming Administration
With summer vacations winding down and the world getting back to the business of school and work, it is the perfect time to read Redeeming Administration: 12 Spiritual Habits for Catholic Leaders (Ave Maria Press, 2013). Author Ann Garrido serves as a program director at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Lewis. Having been […]

Laughing With the Lord
A well-timed one-liner allows for a lighthearted look at ourselves and the world. It affords an opportunity to appreciate amazing ironies in our life. It encourages us to start talking with others. When delivered well, an amusing line elevates language to the level of art and leaves us laughing, wanting more. In Prayer Works! Getting […]

A Path to Freedom and Peace for Young People With Addiction
The culture of death has many pillars and many faces. One such pillar, surely is the tragedy of drug and alcohol addiction. Not only does addiction slowly kill the addict (physically, spiritually and emotionally), but sexual impurity is often associated with drug and alcohol abuse, which leads to many unplanned pregnancies and abortions. A friend […]

Poem: “Heaven-Haven”
Heaven-Haven I have desired to go Where springs not fail, To fields where flies no sharp and sided hail, And a few lilies blow. And I have asked to be Where no storms come, Where the green swell is in the havens dumb, And out of the swing of the sea. Gerard Manley Hopkins

Seven More Books for Catholic College Students
The college semester is upon us again, and at most universities the new academic year is either now beginning or has recently begun [1]. For the returning students, this means a return to familiar stomping grounds and reunions with friends before the courses really buckle down into the semester grind. For the new students, it […]

Including People With Downs
A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) news blog featured a story about A new line of clothing for people with Downs Syndrome has been launched. Karen Bowersox of Mentor OH, has developed a clothing line specifically for people with the condition. Being an advocate for people with disabilities, I took note of the story. It’s not […]

Thinking Liturgically: The Gloria
After the Confetior and a few short prayers (such as the Kyrie), the priest then intones the Gloria by proclaiming the first few words aloud: Gloria in excelsis Deo, Glory to God in the highest. We are reminded of the night Christ was born, when the angels proclaimed this very phrase to the world. What we might not […]

Syrian Bishop Cries Out: ‘Help My People Stay’
“We are strong in our faith, rooted in our history. We have been here for 2000 years. We refuse to go!” Iraq and Syria are in turmoil. In Iraq, Islamic radicals of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are threatening to plunge the country back into civil war. In Syria, a ruthless regime […]

UK Quietly Opens the Door to Genetic Engineering, ‘Three-Parent’ Embryos
Last month the UK’s Department of Health quietly redefined the term “genetic modification” to open the door to allow certain kinds of modification of human embryos – thus potentially making it the first country in the world to allow genetic engineering. Scottish journalist Lori Anderson recently raised the alarm over the change in a column […]

“Who Do You Say That I Am?”
“Who do you say that I am?” That is a question that we are called to answer every day. Who it he? Is he God? Is he the Lord of our lives? Or was he just a good man who healed the sick and got crucified for crimes against the Jerusalem establishment a long time […]

Poem: “The Huuna Bean”
The Huuna Bean I tucked my little girl in to bed And this is what my little girl said, “My teacher said I am a bean! She did!” “What kind of bean,” I asked, then said, “A kidney, a Lima, a Navy or Red? A Lentil, a French, or Great Northern instead?” “None of those!” […]

Front Row with Francis: Faith, Identity and Cultural Zeal
This week, Pope Francis continued his Apostolic Visit to Korea where he spent time with youth and Bishops of the country. He shared that his visit can be summed up by three words: memory, hope, testimony. Like all Catholics, I have my own testimony. I am an adult convert to the Catholic Church. In 2012, […]

When the Game Stands Tall
It’s not about winning or losing but about how you play the game. Those words are usually reserved for losing teams, but legendary football coach, Bob Ladouceur, who shattered the record for all American sports, taught his team to live them; win or lose. He took the Spartans of De La Salle High School in […]

Of Tanks and Men
Certain images leave a lasting impression on us. The photograph of the lone young Chinese man in Tiananmen Square in 1989, standing his ground and asserting his individual human dignity as he blocked the progress of a column of army tanks is one of those images. The man was called “tank man” in the media. […]

Online Homeschooling Curriculums — A Review: Part I
You may be starting the new school year in mid to late August or not until after Labor Day weekend, but either way we have rounded the homestretch and the dig date is looming on the horizon. Whether this is your first time to homeschool or you have been schooling for a few years (or decades […]

Artificial Wombs, Real Consequences
The recent report by transhumanist Zoltan Istvan that scientists are well on their way to successfully creating artificial wombs has caused a stir in a number of circles. Ectogenesis, the scientific name for the process, was once merely a product of fiction. For most of us, however, the reality of artificial wombs is something we […]

What You Need To Know About ISIS Right Now: A Primer
It’s a sad fact that ISIS has become part of our vocabulary, but many of us still don’t know a lot about this terrorist movement. At Aleteia, news editor John Burger spent time with some people knowledgeable abaout this group, and created a top 10 list. Burger spoke to Father Elias D. Mallon, external Affairs […]

Abortion Advocates Say Social Engineering Trumps Improving Health
“We do not mostly provide preventative medical care [or] cure diseases or prevent them. What we do is social change.” So writes Daniel E. Pellegrom of Pathfinder International in a recent scholarly book marketed to educators, policymakers, and advocates for abortion and other aspects of “reproductive health.” Pathfinder boasts helping the Communist government in Beijing […]

Pope Denounces Moral Relativism on Korea Trip
Pope Francis denounced the trend of moral relativism during a meeting on Sunday with Catholic bishops from Korea and around Asia. Christians must avoid the temptation “to compromise our faith, to water down the radical demands of the Gospel and to conform to the spirit of this age,” the pope said. He said that dialogue is “an essential part […]