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Wireless Birth Control is No Fantasy
Recent reports announcing the era of remote-control contraception herald the very real but slightly horrifying prospects for the future for those who believe that man can literally transform himself into a machine. This phenomenon is known as the cult of transhumanism. One news report calls the remote dispensation of contraception “creepy.” Another explains how this […]

Divergent Trilogy Tackles Genetic Engineering and Genetic Discrimination
Warning! Spoilers Ahead!! Divergent is the latest of the teen dystopian future trilogies to hit the big screen. I have read all three books, Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. Is it not my favorite trilogy in this growing genre, but I know that teens everywhere love it. I do appreciate that Veronica Roth has tackled some […]

How to Forgive When I Can’t Forget
While many people believe forgetting an injury is part of forgiveness, Fr. Justin Waltz, pastor of St. Leo’s Church in Minot, ND, suggested just the opposite during a retreat he gave. In fact, he stated that forgetting is not even possible. “The only type of forgetting I have heard of is stuffing,” he said during a […]

Abortion Groups Battle to Stay Relevant in New Development Goals
Abortion groups are fighting to make headway at the United Nations despite recent failures. Delegates and U.N. officials have been crammed into a bustling conference room at U.N. headquarters all week during tense negotiations on a new development scheme. Abortion groups and their supporters have been campaigning for more than two years to have “reproductive […]

Father Rules
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.—Pope St. John XXIII I often feel completely lost and befuddled as a Catholic father in today’s world. How do I set the right example? How do I help my sons grow up with a strong Catholic faith? How […]

Poem: “Dreams”
Dreams Despite the geologists’ knowledge and craft, mocking magnets, graphs, and maps— in a split second the dream piles before us mountains as stony as real life. And since mountains, then valleys, plains with perfect infrastructures. Without engineers, contractors, workers, bulldozers, diggers, or supplies— raging highways, instant bridges, thickly populated pop-up cities. Without directors, megaphones, […]

All My Love, Mudder
I am affectionately referred to by my three sons as, mudder. I do not know whence it came from, but it works. As a self-proclaimed writer of thoughts and words I have a tendency to author notes when issues or behaviors need to be addressed. According to our daughters, they can tell by the opening […]

Babies by Remote Control
My long-time English friend, Ann Farmer, has just sent me an interesting article from The Telegraph (London), which tells how all of Scotland is rejoicing at the prospective pregnancy of a captive giant panda. Tests indicate that the female, named Tian Tian (“sweetie”), has conceived but that implantation—that next stage in her pregnancy—is still a […]

Targeted intimidation: First attack on Catholic nuns in Bangladesh
For the first time, Catholic nuns have been the target of a concerted, brutal attack in Bangladesh involving a late-night attack by dozens of men that lasted over an hour. “50 to 60 armed men attacked the Boldipukur mission on July 7 at 2 a.m., and specifically the presbytery, the convent and the hospital,” Bishop […]

Making Babies, Making Money
IVF Worldwide is an expansive online community that prides itself on being “the largest and most comprehensive in-vitro fertilization (IVF)-focused website for doctors, embryologists, nurses, and social workers.” While it’s meant to serve as a resource for those within the industry—because make no mistake about it, that’s what it is, an industry—couples considering using IVF […]

The Most Important Thing to Do While You’re Single
A stack of save-the-dates and wedding invitations covers a corner of my desk at home. By March 2015, five more of my friends and their significant others will have wed, while I — now nearly 29 — will have not. That I might witness all their vows without a date doesn’t bother me at all as I write […]

Sacred Experiences of the Small and Weak
A few years ago, I entered my room to discover my little grandson looking up at a large crucifix on the wall above my bed. He turned and asked if that really happen?” “Yes it did.” I replied. “Did Jesus die?” he asked, turning back to look at the crucifix. “Yes, he did. But that’s […]

After Hobby Lobby Comes Priests for Life — Why We Are Confident
On Monday, June 30, Priests for Life expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. Upon further analysis of that decision, we continue to be encouraged by it and by its implications for our own case, which has already been argued in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which could issue […]

Poem: “Peril as a Possession”
Peril as a Possession (Part Five: The Single Hound VI) Peril as a possession ’T is good to bear, Danger disintegrates satiety; There ’s Basis there Begets an awe, That searches Human Nature’s creases As clean as Fire Emily Dickinson

Paul in Arabia: The History of the Temple
The story of Paul’s journey into Arabia begins and ends in the Temple at Jerusalem (Acts 7:1—8:1; 22:17-21). Paul made his scriptural debut as the young prosecutor who guarded the cloaks of the members of the lynch mob who stoned Stephen (Acts 7:58; 8:1). Scripture offers scant details about the next few years of Paul: […]

A Place for Family Prayer
Life today is fast-paced and can lead us astray, so we need to slow down sometimes and reset our direction toward God. The best way to begin this reorientation is by making space – both physically and spiritually – for prayer in the home. This is the message of the book The Little Oratory: A […]

The Bad Evangelist Club: Sola Scriptura and the “Essentials”?
One common response that Protestants will use to defend or explain away their clear disunity in doctrine is by retreating into the dichotomy dogma, which they call the essentials of the faith, versus non-essentials of the faith. Their defense begins like this, ‘Our unity is found in that all true Christian churches agree on the […]

Be Someone to Somebody Else
This evening on Facebook, someone posted one of those reassuring Pinterest boards that read, “Sometimes in life we just need someone to be there for us. Someone who will listen. Someone who will understand us.” In past years, I would have grabbed onto this one and held tight. But I’ve come to believe that when we […]

Gay Rights Hit Roadblocks Around the World
The most powerful countries and institutions in the world promoting homosexual “rights” are finding resistance even where gay activists thought the battle had been won. The goal of normalizing same-sex relations through legislation is hitting roadblocks in legislatures, courts, and among people around the globe. While activists have succeeded in getting western societies to require […]

Christian Exodus from Iraq Accelerates
The migration of Christians out of Iraq will accelerate. This was the view held by the head of the Chaldean-Catholic Church, Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako. In an interview with the international Catholic pastoral charity, Aid to the Church in Need given on Saturday, June 28th in Ankawa, near Erbil, he said, “When I was […]

Movie Review: The Jewish Cardinal
The 2013 film (now on DVD and Netflix) The Jewish Cardinal is the life of the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger who died in 2007. May I say that this is the most tastefully, smartly irreverent life of a prelate ever on film? Jewish filmmaker, Ilan Duran Cohen, gets both Judaism and Catholicism […]

The Triumph of Law Over Ideology
It’s been a week since the Supreme Court issued their ruling on the Hobby Lobby case, and there appears to be no end in sight to the Left’s outrage over the outcome. As expected, given the controversial nature of the issue at hand, most of the ire is reflexive and purely visceral. It’s unlikely that […]

Farmer Wisdom
The theme my personal website,, is “Hope.” Simple in many ways, so elusive for people in others. When I need some fresh inspiration, I often will roam around looking for interesting thoughts from a variety of sources. Recently, I ran across this: An old horse, an old dog and an old farmer have much in […]

My Rules for Discourse on the Internet
I could be having a great day and a nasty exchange on the Internet will always bring me down. Whether I am involved or not, uncivil discourse sucks the joy out of the Internet for me. I suspect it does for most people who are not secret psychopaths. I am especially discouraged when I see […]