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When Untruth and Violence are Confronted by Truth and Peace
It never ceases to amaze me that in the 21st Century there are still people who pose the ridiculous question: “When do you think life begins?” Quite frankly, it does not matter when you or I think life begins: Biology established long ago – before abortion on demand became legal in Canada – that human […]

Poem: “There is Hope in my Heart”
There is Hope in my Heart Here in my heart is where You belong. Here is where I want You to stay. Forever Friend, Lord and Master, Do not go away. I have such great need of you, Always, and always, and always You are my life’s desire, My Forever Faithful Friend. Stay close, stay […]

Are We Really Teaching the Catholic Faith?
“We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves; let each of us please his neighbor for his good to edify him. For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, ‘The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me. For whatever was […]

Science Ignored: Dissecting Pregnancy as a Disease
Last week, the United States Supreme Court decided Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, and ruled the federal government could not require closely-held corporations to provide no-cost contraception for their employees. Although that was the question before the Supreme Court, there were many things the Supreme Court didn’t have the jurisdiction to rule on yesterday. And the […]

Synod on the Family: A Preview of Coming Attractions
The recently released working document for this October’s Extraordinary Synod on the Family presents a remarkably candid view of the troubles besetting Catholic marriages and families today. Young people are frequently afraid to commit. Marriage preparation is often seen as a useless obligation. Ignorance of Church teaching is widespread. Few understand that using contraception is sinful. Many […]

Social Media Fasts: Making Room for Blessings
Remember when social media fasting was trending during Lent? My big undertaking for Lent was to fast from Facebook, and though it wasn’t complete, it was my first attempt and pretty strict. It was such a huge change for me that months later, I’m still processing the experience and reaping rewards from the fast. My […]

The Peril of Power
“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2. As a Christian, I’m quite familiar with this passage, and always took it as an admonition against the kind of […]

Loving The Unlovable
On social media as in your dining room or your workplace, you are guaranteed to encounter people who test your patience. We are, as Catholics, commanded to love all people. There is no exclusion in Scripture or Tradition for jerks. There is no asterisk that features an addendum explaining that I am not required to […]

U.N. Resolution on the Family Dampens Gay Pride Festivities
The United Nations put a damper on “gay pride” festivities last Thursday when it re-affirmed that the natural family is the fundamental unit of society. The Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on “Protection of the Family” with a traditional definition of the family last Thursday, even as revelers readied themselves to celebrate gay pride […]

Thinking Liturgically: Who is Our Helper?
Why do we go to Mass? While this might seem like an easy question, try and figure out a way to describe why we go to Mass in a quick and easy fashion. Traditionally, it is said the point of Mass is fourfold: that of adoration, reparation, intercession and thanksgiving. To anyone well versed in […]

Doubting Thomas
Thomas Welbourne had no children. His wife Mary had been pestering him, even pleading about it, for years. He hadn’t decided against having them, but then, he never quite made up his mind to have them. He had never quite made up his mind about anything much. He was waiting for something – for something […]

The Death of Marriage or the Death of Me?
I met this young man a few months ago on a flight to give a talk in the Midwest. Ironically, my talk was on marriage and family and the inherent call within each to “man up” or “woman up” respectively. I asked him if he really believed the sad vibe his shirt was proclaiming. “Nah,” […]

A Burning Heart
There are many and varied images that we see of Jesus Christ. One that seems to cause the greatest curiosity may be the Sacred Heart image. This is the image where Jesus is pulling back his cloak to reveal his heart which is flaming and surrounded by a crown of thorns. Jesus appeared to St. […]

A Bad Week of Press for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
If you are like me (you probably aren’t) and have your google alerts set for “egg donation,” “sperm donation,” and “surrogacy,” you will have seen that it was a bad press week for the field of reproductive medicine. Here are several stories that caught my eye. Risks to Mother and Child The Daily Mail reports […]

Poem: “Tomorrow”
Tomorrow The morning comes swift and bright And sleep is fleeting as a bird in flight So take your rest while you can While the silver moon sails silent over land Worry not over what you should have done Over what lies unfinished or unbegun The day once passed shall not return And worry will […]

Gratitude for Christ’s Generous Love
Today in St. Matthew’s Gospel, we see how Jesus gets to the bottom of our troubles, both big and small. When He enters the town of Gadara, He drives out the horrible demons from the two possessed men, and by doing so, allows the passersby who were held up by all the violence to get […]

Mother Mary: Planned Parenthood’s Nemesis
For many years Jim Sedlak and his battalion have worked tirelessly to end the Planned Parenthood reign of terror. Among the many ways he has led is through his hundreds of talks, his commitment to educating parents, and his devotion to prayer, particularly through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. So it came as […]

Journey of Our Love: The Letters of St. Gianna and Pietro Molla
St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a popular saint, not only because she was so profoundly pro-life as to give up her own life in order to save her unborn child, but also because she was a modern woman and a working mother. She is someone mothers of today can relate to and aspire to imitate […]

Feminists Battle Population Controllers
A partnership among abortion backers is showing cracks as feminists in the Global South are pushing back against environmentalists promoting population control measures. During the inaugural meeting of a new U.N. endeavor on the environment, one group took to social media to refute the “dubious linking” between population and climate change, arguing that “population control […]

Treasures of Tradition: St. Clement’s Letter to the Corinthians
When beginning a consideration of the Church Fathers almost everyone will begin with Clement. Considered the second, third or fourth pope after Peter (depending on whose list you agree with), he marks the first post-apostolic writer whose text remains with the Church today. His identity is somewhat of a mystery running the range from the […]

Seeing With God’s Eyes
Some gifts are a mystery to me, to the point that people blessed with those gifts inspire me. I’m thinking of two in particular: People who build houses and artists. They convince me to look at others in a whole new way. One of the men at our Saturday morning prayer group spent most of […]

Who Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ . . . but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21) Jesus teaches that His Father’s will is accomplished through actions, not just words. It’s not sufficient to say, “I believe,” or “I’m sorry.” When our days here end, having […]

Pro-Life Youth Speak out at UN Forum
Youth symbolize vitality and a future – and the UN, often teetering on the brink of irrelevancy, is keen on inviting young people into its midst. But a recent forum for youth exposed a dangerous trend – and an opportunity for pro-lifers. The forum gathered opinions from youth in preparation for a high-level meeting of […]

Bearing Good Fruit
A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture: “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit” (Matthew 7:18). Weeks ago we noticed one of the large apple trees in our neighborhood hadn’t yet come into bud. Its bare form stood alone among all the other trees that had long since flowered and were well into full leaf. I remarked that it must […]