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Book Review: Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious
Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious (Liguori Publications, 2014) is the sequel to Patti Maguire Armstrong’s Dear God, I Don’t Get It, but one need not have read the first one to enjoy the second. While the first book focused on older brother Aaron, a sixth grader who had to move to a new state […]

(Not) By Popular Demand
It happened when I was in middle school. The Presbyterian Church held its annual General Assembly in Baltimore one year and Philadelphia the next. My father was selected to be a delegate from his presbytery, the first year as a seminary student and the second year as a member of the clergy. It was my […]

All Politics is Local
They say all politics is local, but this is easy to forget amidst the incessant frenzy of a 24-hour news cycle that tends to focus exclusively on national politics. For many people, particularly those residing in sprawling suburban bedroom communities or bustling urban centers, it is easy to overlook the local in favor of the […]

UN Elects Ugandan as President, Pushing Back on US LGBT Pressure
Western pressure on African countries to liberalize policies on homosexuality has had a boomerang effect, uniting Africans against it and resulting in what some see as a new non-aligned movement of countries. Last week the United Nations elected a Ugandan as president of the General Assembly over last-ditch efforts by activists who, along with the […]

Swinging At Junk Balls and Other Life Lessons
Fr. Matt was our guest speaker at a recent Date Night, the purpose of which is to enrich marriages. We had an incredible turn out and as I sat there smiling to myself and thanking God, Fr. Matt spoke on some common communication challenges. A counselor had shared with him a baseball scenario that could […]

Thinking Liturgically: God’s Justice
When the priest begins Mass in the Extraordinary Form, he does so by praying Psalm 42 (or 43, depending on your bible’s translation.) The priest asks for God to judge Him (and all present), and to distinguish his (and all of our) causes from that of the unjust. When we attempt to understand what this […]

Stop Big Abortion
An outstanding pro-life Facebook page entitled Big Abortion focuses on the positive aspects of the development of the individual from his creation onward. It contains facts about why celebrating a human being’s life is a positive, and shows that killing him is the ultimate cruelty. The fact is that Big Abortion is an industry that […]

Poem: “Else but Melancholy?”
Else but Melancholy? Stay abreast of the current events, Otherwise, they say, to all intents, You’re just a citizen in ignorance; To national progress, a hindrance. But what if this “progress” should devolve, Into fiendish ways that involve, Vice, sleaze and a spiritual squalor, Loathsome to any Christian scholar? Why do we go in quest […]

Why I Keep Returning to the Music of Beethoven
In the great treasury of music, I keep finding myself coming back again and again to Beethoven. You may think it’s because he was one of the greatest composers who ever lived despite his deafness. That is true, everybody loves great music and everybody loves an over-comer. But there’s something more that keeps drawing me […]

Lust, Love, and Demons: A Review of Tobit’s Dog
The Biblical story of Tobit’s marriage to Sarah, whose previous seven husbands had been slain by demons, has been cleverly reimagined in a new novel (released April 2014 by Ignatius Press) called Tobit’s Dog, by Michael N. Richard. The novel is set in the backwoods of Depression-era North Carolina. The plight of blacks in the […]

Our Children Radiate the Joy of the Gospel
I was recently reading about an upcoming conference at the Vatican entitled “The Pastoral Project of Evangelii Gaudium” to implement the Holy Father’s new apostolic exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel”. The keynote speaker is Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche communities, a group of homes for the disabled where their gifts are cherished. For a […]

Iraq: “We Fear a Civil War”
“We fear a civil war. If the various different opposing internal parties do not succeed in finding an agreement, then we must expect the worst. Another war would mean the end, especially for us Christians.” This was the message from Chaldean Auxiliary Bishop Saad Syroub of Baghdad, speaking to Catholic charity Aid to the Church […]

Washington State Suicides Highlight Death Advocates’ “Bait and Switch”
A 43 percent rise in doctor-prescribed suicides in Washington State in 2013 was motivated not by pain, but by feared loss of autonomy and “dignity,” according to the official state government report. Washington State’s annual report covering 2013 states that 91 percent reported to their health care provider concerns about loss of autonomy, 79 percent reported to […]

Why Normal People Should Care About “Baby Busts”
Long, long ago, when Anne’s parents were in college (sorry, mom and dad), demographers made an observation: they saw that for most of human history, even though couples were having far more than two children, mortality was also very high. The result was that populations either stayed the same or grew very slowly. Then, with […]

When Father is a Wound
On Sunday, my children and I celebrated my husband on Father’s Day. It seems natural to celebrate the father of my children but as a child, there was too much hurt and damage to even pronounce the word “Papa” to talk about and address my father. When I was able to utter it, my throat […]

The Spiritual Climb
I sat on my back, looking up the speckled with color wall at the rock climbing gym. “One more time,” I thought to myself. This past semester, some of my friends had gotten into the habit of taking time off from the stress commonly found around schoolwork at our Catholic, liberal arts school to drive […]

Consensus on LGBT Rights Eroding at Organization of American States
The seemingly inevitable march of gay rights in the Americas was slowed last week when an inter-American gathering in Paraguay refused to impose same-sex marriage. The Organization of American States will not “impose” any norms or recommendations on same-sex marriage, said Secretary General José Manuel Insulza Salinas in a press conference after the conclusion of […]

Poem: “The Gift of Love”
The Gift of Love The greatest love story ever told The one that means the most, Is raised on high in holy hands In one small precious Host. Kate Watkins Furman

Let Us Make God in Our Image, After Our Likeness ‘Cause It’d Be Awesome
This might hurt your brain, but stay with me friends. Imagine if he came the way we wanted him to? Imagine if Jesus answered the problem of evil with a punch rather than his paschal mystery? He would’ve kicked the devil’s butt. He would’ve been ripped, with muscles on top of his muscles. A combination […]

Vladimir the Inscrutable: Shall We Savage or Salute Putin?
[Editor’s note: we know that there are very strong opinions on the other side and we are willing to publish the contrary view] Diversionary foreign policy, and/or wars intended for diversion, are old tactics instigated by governments to distract people from domestic problems. Recent Western policy in promoting the overthrow of the elected Ukrainian President, […]

The Science Behind the Trinity
John 3:16-18 is arguably the most famous gospel passage. You see it written on placards at football games on TV. In a rare breakaway moment the evangelist addresses disciples to emphasize the importance of having faith in the Son of God. And don’t be one-sided about it either, John says. All truths of the faith must be accepted because […]

Why Boys in Girl’s Bathrooms?
There’s a conflict between non-discrimination laws and religious freedom. Where religious freedom exists to limit government’s intrusion into matters of conscience, non-discrimination laws invite government into private dealings and empower them to force people to do things they otherwise would be unwilling to do in the name of ending discrimination. As non-discrimination laws become stronger, religious freedom becomes […]

When the Joy of Faith is Gone
In this you rejoice, although now for a little while you may have to suffer through various trials, so that the genuineness of your faith, more precious than gold that is perishable even though tested by fire, may prove to be for praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Although you have […]

Movie Review: Maleficent
WARNING: LOADED WITH SPOILERS! Well, is Maleficent magnificent? Angelina Jolie is (of course), but the story? I don’t know. What?! I don’t have an opinionated opinion for once? No. It’s complicated. I am viewing “Maleficent” on its own, but also in the context of the more recent Disney princess stories. The times they are a-changin’. […]