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Abortion and Media Corruption – Are YOU Frustrated?
If you know who Kermit Gosnell is, then you are part of a well-connected minority. Most people have never heard of America’s most prolific serial killer, the abortionist now imprisoned in Pennsylvania who has killed thousands of babies. Gosnell’s method of choice was to deliver living, breathing, crying children in his clinic and then sever […]

College Bound
What’s in your kid’s college fund? Or are you putting all your efforts into rearing a bright child who will ace the SATs and get scholarship offers? Whatever your plan, the thought of college tuition raises fear in the hearts of many parents. How to pay? The Morlino family has one solution. “Everything we’ve been […]

The Magic of Belief
Through the years I have been asked to review a good many books on topics from microbiology, to evolution, biomedical ethics, spirituality, and even the life of Cardinal Newman. It’s always a privilege to do so, to be a part of the birthing of an author’s dream, to help bring forward an idea, a perspective, […]

Poem: “The Blunder is to Estimate”
The Blunder is to Estimate (Part Five: The Single Hound XVI) The blunder is to estimate “Eternity is Then,” We say, as of a station. Meanwhile he is so near, He joins me in my ramble, Divides abode with me, No friend have I that so persists As this Eternity. Emily Dickinson

The Abortion Stockholm Syndrome
National Right To Life News published an article about Viv Albertine, a rocker who says she regrets her abortion but is still Pro-Choice. Showing loyalty to the abortion that oppresses us is what I call the “Abortion Stockholm Syndrome”. I and many women I’ve met through Silent No More and Rachel’s Vineyard are familiar with […]

Without Dogma, Science is Lost
At the end of Science Was Born of Christianity: The Teaching of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, I wrote, “If a reader gains anything from this book, let it be that one may confidently say that Catholic dogma positively and directly influenced the Scientific Revolution.” I proposed that perhaps the argument in the book that “science was born […]

John Paul II Continues to Challenge UN Development Regime
During a week celebrating his canonization, many credited Pope John Paul II with defeating the campaign for an international right to abortion and founding the international pro-life movement. But his reach went further, to a critique of the UN’s approach to human development and how it can threaten international peace and justice. “To formulate population […]

The Church in the Heart of Israeli-Jewish Society
With a formal Pontifical Mass the Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem inaugurated the first Catholic pastoral center for migrant workers in Israel on April 26 in Tel Aviv. Those present included the Apostolic Nuncio in Israel, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, and the Ambassador of the Philippines in Israel. Father David Neuhaus SJ, coordinator of the […]

I’m Dating a Catholic, Now What?
Dear Anthony, I could use some advice as the non-Catholic party in my relationship. My boyfriend is a very nice Catholic guy. He knew I was not Catholic. We get along just great. But he’s “really” Catholic, and I’m “really” not. He isn’t insisting on me being Catholic or anything like that. But I can’t […]

Asexual Human Reproduction
Today the phrase “from the beginning of his/her biological development” accurately defines when the life of an individual human being begins to exist; the terms “conception” or “fertilization” do not. We have learned this is so because the fact is that not all human beings begin through sexual means; some are reproduced asexually. This concept […]

Praying With Children
It’s a troubling fact today that many Catholic children don’t know the basics of the faith. Many come to religious instruction in parishes without knowing how to make the Sign of the Cross or recite the Our Father or Hail Mary. Teaching children growing up in a secularized world, catechists and teachers can’t assume that […]

Little Lents, Little Easters
There are few things as toxic as envy. Schadenfreude, envy’s cousin, is close. To envy means to mistrust Jesus. It is to say, in effect, that God has erred in what He has given you, where He has placed you and what He has made you. When I am the object of someone’s envy, I […]

A Way Out for College Kids
American education is in trouble—that much seems to be a given. Our public schools and colleges are getting poor results, our young people are drowning in debt, new graduates can’t find jobs, and our overall rankings in the world are pretty dismal. We are greatly in need of a transformation, but we need to think […]

Book Review: Reclaiming Francis
A funny thing happened as Msgr. Charles M. Murphy was putting the finishing touches on a manuscript about St. Francis and how he could be a role model for the new evangelization: Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected to lead the Catholic Church and took the name of Francis to be his own. While […]

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life
If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Romans 8:31) This exhortation by Saint Paul vividly expresses the full extent of the love of God the Father and […]

New Paper Exposes Hidden Agenda of the Sex Ed Establishment
Reporters called one program “x-rated.” Another was dubbed “kindergarten sex ed.” A World Health Organization version led to a spectacular defeat in the European Parliament. UN delegates reject it as an assault on their culture. Comprehensive sexuality education often goes unchallenged – until people discover what it teaches. Now a new paper explains the politics […]

Down Syndrome Discovery Has Implications for Human Genetic Engineering
The 21st human chromosome is the smallest of all our chromosomes. It contains a few hundred genes and is only 1% of our total DNA. As most people know, an extra chromosome 21 causes Down Syndrome. What most people did not know, until research published this week, is that tiny chromosome has an effect across […]

Thinking Liturgically: The Sign of the Cross
When it comes to Divine Worship, there are a lot of misconceptions people have about Catholicism. Sometimes people aren’t necessarily wrong, but the signs of the liturgy are presented as empty clichés. A lot of times this behavior even comes from fellow Catholics. Take the Sign of the Cross. There is probably no prayer more powerful than those words […]

Entertainment at the Expense of Children
A new graphic novel, Pregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag, chronicles the pregnancy journey of a lesbian named Teek and her partner, Vee. While the novel is fiction, it’s based on the author’s own experience parenting her son. It’s a humorous take on the subject of lesbian pregnancies with one reviewer noting “This […]

Meeting John Paul II
In October of the Jubilee Year 2000, a World Mission Congress was held in Rome. Hundreds of missionaries and mission educators from around the world gathered in the Eternal City to celebrate the fundamental call of all Christians: to be the soul in the body of the world. To breathe a spirit of peace and […]

From Merciless Linebacker to Merciful Messenger
Eric Mahl has always loved a challenge. In his youth, it was the prospect of being the best football player ever. This desire drove him to bench press 450 pounds, earn an NCAA Division I football scholarship and later a place on the Cleveland Browns’ roster. The 30-year-old Ohio native’s challenge now, however, is sharing the […]

High Court Guts Contraception Bill
The Supreme Court of the Philippines struck down key provisions of a new contraception law in order to protect human life in the womb, as well as safeguard parental rights and conscience rights for health workers. The Reproductive Health Bill, as it is known, has been in the pipeline for two decades, having failed approval […]

“Touch Me and See”
In this Octave of Easter celebration, we contemplate God the Father’s gift to us, His beautiful Son, Jesus, and the gift Jesus gave to us – His life. Consider the abundance of gifts Jesus left behind so that we would know He is still with us. The gift of faith, which moves us to seek […]

Building the Culture John XXII and John Paul II Envisioned
This Sunday, Pope Francis will proclaim Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II Saints. He personally chose the date to coincide with Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast inaugurated by John Paul II in 2000. It was on the eve of this feast on April 2, 2005 that John Paul II gave up his spirit […]