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All Articles

Poem: “Am I to be Silenced?”
Am I to be Silenced? Am I never to sing Your song, my God? Am I to be silenced? Am I never to sing Your song, my God, Like the birds who nest in the tree? Will my voice be taken away, Never to carry a note? Will the song be stilled in my throat, […]

Why Are Canonizations Such a Big Deal?
Two popes on the altar. Two other popes—one reigning, one retired—on hand to fête them. Over a million pilgrims descending on Rome: 1,700 chartered buses in from Poland alone; 58 private planes, 5 trains; and a passenger ship from Barcelona. We’ve heard the term “Catholic Lollapalooza” before but, is there any doubt that the canonization […]

A Father to Fathers
Whether it’s through his exhortation “Be Not Afraid!” or the deep insights contained in Theology of the Body, Blessed John Paul II has had an enduring impact on families and fathers. John Paul, who led the Church into the new millennium, will be canonized April 27, along with his predecessor, Pope John XXIII. Over the […]

Exploiting the American Prom
Proms sure have gotten expensive these days. According to the San Jose Mercury News, high school kids spend nearly $4 billion annually for dresses, accessories, flowers, beauty products, limos and other prom-related items. The average couple spends upward of $1,000 for the one-time event. That got me thinking about my own prom in 1980. I […]

Kicking Out Kickstarter
Why does it take a global controversy to alert Catholic Christians to the obvious: The secular world has become increasingly hostile to the good, the true and the beautiful. There’s an uncharitable urge to chuckle whenever someone ‘discovers’ a company, organization or government engaging in some kind of specifically anti-Catholic or generally anti-Christian manner. (Pssst. […]

“Santo Subito!”
The average wait to see him was 13 hours. The line was over 3 miles long. Over 150 cardinals concelebrated, 700 archbishops and bishops were present, and 3,000 priests participated. It was the largest gathering of statesmen in human history. It was the first time an Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church had attended a […]

Review: Online Catholic Marriage Prep Class
Marriage Ministries recently gave me the opportunity to demo their Catholic Marriage Prep Class AND their Natural Family Planning Class—both of which are available exclusively online. Below is my review. Marriage is easily and often misrepresented in our society today, not necessarily always as something bad, but certainly often as something far short of the glorious elevated […]

The Right Way to Fight Poverty
American political debates can focus on any number of things, from abortion to religious freedom to foreign policy. On some issues there are great differences between the parties, and on others there seems to be a broad consensus, at least among the political class if not the American electorate. Few policy areas have attracted amore […]

Truth and Art
My college training was in radio and television arts. I love the arts, particularly with Christian themes. I came across an excellent production of J.S. Bach’s Mass in B minor (Capella Reial Catalunya, Le Concert des Nations conducted by Jordi Savall). The setting is the French Abbey Church of Saint-Savin Sur Gartempe. Superb location, the performers, […]

In All the Wrong Places
A single mom had an interview for a reality TV show in the UK. The channel was interested in hiring her until they found out she was pregnant. What goes through her mind? That she “has to” have an abortion to get the job. She naively talked about her job opportunity and her decision to […]

Book Review: Genius Under Construction
I recently had the great privilege of reading and reviewing a.k.a. Genius, the first in a new series by Catholic writer Marilee Haynes, published by Pauline Teen. I loved the book and, even though it is aimed at middle-schoolers, found myself laughing out loud at many parts. It was a humorous, faith-based story with an […]

Earth Day 2014: Chinese Conundrum
Several years ago, in 2007, I wrote an account of my visit to Shanghai which focused, primarily, on the city’s and China’s astounding economic boom, then achieving 11 percent growth in GDP for the third straight quarter. This torrid pace has throttled back a bit to 7.4 percent. I noted that, with the economic growth, “A lot of pollution […]

Pregnancy, Why Bother?
There are those hushed, polite conversations when people wondered why Tag Romney and his wife, who already had three children naturally, chose to have three more children via gestational surrogacy. The celebrity surrogate pregnancy stories always raise more eyebrows. Why did Sarah Jessica Parker, already a proven birth mother, use another woman’s body to have […]

Measuring Up
How many times do we place unrealistic expectations on others? How many times do we place unreachable expectations on ourselves and then beat ourselves up when we fail to measure up? I dare admit publicly, I am guilty of both. The problem is I am fairly easy on myself, making excuses to minimize culpability. When […]

Book Review: Before I Was Born, Jesus Knew Me
Karin Niemeyer has penned her first children’s book.

The Great Alleluia!
A few days before Easter our clan would gather around the dining room table, cover it with newspapers, and get dirty. Or rather: colorful. Lots of little fingers got stained purple, pink and green while dipping hard boiled eggs into cups of die. The more artistically inclined among us would draw crayon designs on their […]

Being Still With God
“As Pharaoh drew near, the Israelites looked back”. Big mistake. Lot’s wife looked back and remember what happened to her? She turned to a pillar of rock salt. What did the Israelites do? They looked back as well. What do we do when we are trying to leave our former lives of sin? We look back with […]

Poem: “If Christ Rose From the Tomb”
If Christ Rose From the Tomb He thinks he may have known me, but I see The uniform of 1943; Dead in all but memory, alive, He stares at me, my uncle has arrived How strange it is to meet the dead and yet There is no fearful sorrow or regret, Puzzlement and slowly formed […]

Seek the Lord
Easter Vigil Reading 5 Seek the LORD while he may be found, call him while he is near. Let the scoundrel forsake his way, and the wicked man his thoughts; let him turn to the LORD for mercy; to our God, who is generous in forgiving. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are […]

Stay a While With Christ and Him Crucified
Hey, where are you going? It’s not Easter, yet. “Stay a while. Do not hurry by the cross on your way to Easter joy, for we know the risen Lord only through Christ and him crucified.” (Fr. Richard John Neuhaus, Death on a Friday Afternoon). Jason Hall reminds us that, “It is common, and entirely appropriate, for us to […]

The Victory of the Cross
Terrorism is nothing new. It’s probably as old as the human race. In fact the cradle of civilization, now Iraq, was the home of the most infamous terrorists of antiquity, the Assyrians. Their goal was to conquer their neighbors in a way that would minimize initial resistance and subsequent rebellion. To do this, they knew […]

A Priest Reflects on the Chrism Mass
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me, to bring glad tidings to the poor. —Is 61:1-2; cf Lk4:18 HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 17, AD 2014, Cathedral of Saint Mary, Diocese of Lansing, Michigan. I, a priest of Christ Jesus by the will of God, was in attendance with many of […]

Three Stations of Discipleship
Praying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays in Lent and on Good Friday is one of the most beautiful devotions in our Catholic tradition outside of the Mass and the Sacraments. This particular devotion helps the faithful to deeply ponder what Christ did for us that Friday. He submitted and opened not his mouth. […]

How to Meditate on the Passion
The Gospel of John today tells us the last hours of Jesus’ life. He speaks of the agony in the garden, when He was betrayed and arrested. The story is told of Jesus being brought before the high priests, questioned, mocked and insulted. He was then brought before Pilate, scourged and crowned with thorns. Finally, […]