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George Washington on Religion and Morality
George Washington was born this day, February 22nd, in 1732.

Commentary on the Epistle of St. James
James “the brother of the Lord,” was a kinsman of Jesus. James became the first bishop of Jerusalem, a post he held from AD 40 until 62 when he was martyred under the persecution wrought by Herod Agrippa. The urgent work that James accomplished—he was a very productive leader—was to commission the Apostles to evangelize […]

Pro-lifers Host Rome Conference Celebrating John Paul II
C-FAM and the Alliance Defending Freedom are hosting a conference in Rome to explore and celebrate the contribution of Pope John Paul II to the pro-life debate at the UN and his work in establishing a global pro-life movement. The conference comes during the weekend of the canonization of John Paul II as a saint […]

The Politics of Envy
Wealth is fresh fruits and vegetables in January, indoor plumbing, and MRI machines.

‘Sweet Baby Jesus’…is a Beer?
A trip to my local Giant grocery store the other night brought an unpleasant surprise. Back near the store’s beer coolers, clerks were stacking case upon case of a new beer. It’s name? “Sweet Baby Jesus,” a ‘craft’ beer brewed and bottled by a local Baltimore company, DuClaw Brewing Company. “Sweet Baby Jesus,” launched about a year […]

Don’t Let Money Be a Marriage-Killer
Money troubles are a leading cause of divorce, and studies show that the more frequently couples argue over money the more likely the marriage is to fall apart. So how can couples avoid this marriage-killer? To start with, forget the idea of my money vs. your money, or his money vs. her money. That kind […]

Church of England Affirms Sanctity of Marriage
In a surprise move, the main governing body of the Church of England has rejected proposals to create a “blessing” ceremony for same-sex “weddings.” In a guidance issued Saturday on same-sex “marriage,” the House of Bishops also said it “is not willing for those who are in a same sex marriage to be ordained to […]

Reject Pride, Return to Christ
When I was young, it was fashionable to grow a beard and long hair, put on a tie-dyed t-shirt, faded jeans and head off to Europe to “find oneself.” Often I wondered what would happen if those searchers didn’t like the inner-self they found? At a personal level, I had already met my inner self, in […]

Neither Lawful Nor Moral
Marlise Munoz collapsed in November 2013 from a blood clot in her lungs while pregnant with her second child. She was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas, a public hospital operated by the Tarrant County Hospital District, where she was put on life support. Media reports said that in the weeks […]

Faith: The Only Sure Foundation for Human Dignity
Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards recently tweeted out a short video featuring her suggestions of what women really need for Valentine’s Day. Among a litany that included “well woman visits,” “cancer screenings,” and “birth control,” was “safe & legal abortion.” All of this, we’re mockingly informed, is “really radical stuff” which, of course, is a sarcastic quip […]

The Book Whisperer: Faith-Building Books for Teens
This week I started teaching a class to prepare a small group of teens to be confirmed at the Easter Vigil this year at St. Basil the Great Parish in Kimberton, PA. So for the next few months — through Lent — I’ve decided that “A Mother on the Road Less Traveled” will be taking […]

Perverse Fruits of IVF
In vitro fertilization is one of many procedures listed as a specialty in the field of reproductive medicine. Everything from treating pregnancy to aborting children to birth control to treating infertility is included. “Infertility” is the inability of a couple to achieve pregnancy the natural way. It is this condition that first generated the interest […]

Mind Control
Biblical examples of meditation are focused on the content of our minds.

The Bad Evangelist Club: How NOT to Refute Sola Scriptura
When discussing the arguments against Sola Scriptura, we Catholics have a lot of strong arguments. Here at The Bad Evangelist Club, we help you to avoid bad arguments like the one below so the good ones have more credibility. The Argument Any debate around Sola Scriptura will focus on 2 Timothy 3:14-17, which goes as […]

Lay Wisdom Welcome
If there’s a crisis in Catholic marriage and family life today, the solution will come not solely from the higher echelons of the Church. The active involvement of faithful couples will also be needed. That’s the view of a lay official of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), looking ahead to the synod […]

Get Ready for a Busy 2014 in Bioethics
My taskmasters at the CBC never allow me to rest on my laurels. Fresh off several years of stellar prognosticating, I am now forced to answer the question: “But what have you predicted, lately?” Okay, let’s take a look. Oh! Oh my. Please remember, the following predictions are what I see happening. They do not […]

Central African Republic: Saying “No” to Hatred and Revenge
A local Catholic has expressed a resounding “No” to hatred and revenge in the Central African Republic in that face of hatred and conflict. Archbishop Dieudonnè Nzapalainga of Bangui made his commented while speaking recently with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). In the interview, the archbishop lamented that the Central […]

How to Glorify God in Your Singleness, Part II
This is the second of a two-part guest post from Lisa Marie Hunt on glorifying God with your singleness. Click here to go back and read Part One. Last week, I wrote a article answering why we women (and really just people in general) have a tendency to long for marriage. Now I would like […]

The Decline of the “Right” to Abortion in Europe
Two million abortions are legally practiced each year in Europe. To this day, only a third of European States still prohibit abortion on demand. However, the proportion of States which pose conditions on abortion during the first weeks of gestation may increase. In fact, in recent years, a growing number of European and American States […]

Ronald Reagan on Religious Tolerance
He would be horrified at what liberals are doing today, though not surprised.

Presidents Day Mea Culpa to Two Great Leaders
We began to shrink from the dangerous blessing of liberty.

Ode to Feminine Genius: Proverbs 31 Catholic Woman, Intro
Achieving perfection that is pleasing to God by imitating the Blessed Virgin Mary is the goal of this new series entitled Ode to Feminine Genius: The Proverbs 31 Catholic Woman. In our quest for doing God’s will, intentional homemaking, and becoming a woman of inner beauty by focusing our study in this series of Proverbs 31: 10-31, […]

Poem: “Who is Safe on Loose Planks?”
Who is Safe on Loose Planks? If I am to have hope, it must be in the Lord For in who else can I turn in an hour of darkness? Who else can provide lasting assurance, but the Lord? There are many who can arise to the occasion. But which of these will survive the […]

“My Beautiful Woman” Outclasses Raunchy Victoria Secrets
Wacoal, a Thai lingerie company, is redefining beauty with its “Beauty Inside” campaign. The short 7-minute videos tell stories, based on actual events, of women whose quiet sacrifices — including for an unborn child — win the admiration of men who tell the stories. And, tears from viewers. The message? Virtue is gorgeous. “Beauty Inside” […]