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Hate-Crimes the European Parliament isn’t Worried About
While the controversial “Lunacek-Report”, which it has adopted this week, calls on EU Member States to“register and investigate hate crimes against LGBTI people, and adopt criminal legislation prohibiting incitement to hatred on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity”, the European Parliament seems very much less concerned about the hate crimes that actually do take place […]

Climate Change Deliberation
We are asked to ignore the simplest hypothesis that the earth’s climate is ever changing.

Sixteen Juveniles Rescued in Super Bowl-Related Sex Trafficking Stings
Dozens of agencies and organizations, including the FBI, rescued 16 juveniles from sex trafficking rings in the two weeks prior to Super Bowl XLVIII. More than 50 adult women were rescued, and 45 pimps were arrested. Huffington Post reports the efforts took several months, and required “training for legions of law enforcement personnel, hospitality workers, […]

Soft Tissue In T-Rex Bones: Don’t Pick a Side
In 2005 Science journal reported the discovery of soft tissue in the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and how it got there has been debated ever since. Dr. Mary H. Schweitzer, whose research team found the soft tissue, maintains that it was preserved by an exceptional process over the 65 million years since T-rexes became extinct. […]

Eugenics Still Coercive and Devoid of Real Compassion
Today more and more people are whole-heartedly embracing eugenics. They probably don’t know it as eugenics, but every time a human life in the womb or in the lab is cut short because his or her genetics is not up to snuff, that is undoubtedly eugenics. Many associate the eugenics of old with a lack […]

Book Review: Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious!
Have you ever found a really good series of kids’ books, something the kids love to hear read aloud and to re-read on their own (or for our kids, to leaf through and look at the pictures again), but wished that there was something more in them than a light adventure story? I love reading […]

St. John Bosco and the Exercise of Virtue
Is it better to be Prudent or not? When discussing the infamous educational system of St. John Bosco (Preventive System) one cannot help to see how prudent he was in helping the children of Turin. The Method of St. John Bosco A striking characteristic one encounters upon reading about St. John Bosco and his Preventive […]

UN Asks Church To Change Teaching on Abortion, Homosexuality
The Vatican accused a UN committee of interfering with Church doctrine and violating religious freedom after it was asked to change its teaching on abortion and homosexuality. The Church should change its teaching on abortion, according to a UN committee that monitors the rights of children. The Church should no longer automatically excommunicate those who […]

Poem: “A Better Resurrection”
A Better Resurrection Have no wit, no words, no tears; My heart within me like a stone Is numb’d too much for hopes or fears; Look right, look left, I dwell alone; I lift mine eyes, but dimm’d with grief No everlasting hills I see; My life is in the falling leaf: O Jesus, quicken […]

Faith at Work
Last fall, the Supreme Court agreed to review two religious liberty cases surrounding the Obama Administration’s contraception mandate. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties maintain that the federal requirement is an unlawful infringement upon religious liberty, and this year we’ll find out if the highest court in the land concurs. In support of the cases, […]

Au Revoir, Phillip Seymour Hoffman
Death is always a hardship, and death by any means besides natural causes is a tragedy. So, when the body of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman was found Sunday, February 2 in the bathroom of his Greenwich Village apartment, it was a tragedy. Hoffman, 46, had died of an apparent drug overdose. A friend found him […]

My Predictions in Bioethics Right Again!
Can you believe a year has come and gone since I last told you what would happen, before it happened, in bioethics? Maybe it’s my increasing age, but time is passing too fast! So, how did I do? Not as well as in years past, but still an A-. Let’s take a look: The Affordable […]

West Wants Nigeria as ‘Dumping Ground’ for ‘Immoral Practices’
Western governments and media around the world are attacking Nigeria’s Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2013, which outlaws same-sex “marriage” as well as propagandizing by the homosexualist lobby. However, one of the few voices giving public support is that of the Nigerian Catholic bishops, who have issued a statement congratulating the government for the passage […]

How Can We Work 40+ Hours a Week and Still Put God First?
How you manage your time depends on who or what you put first. Does your family come first or does your job? And what about God? Ideally, our priorities will be God, family, and work, in that order. But with only 24 hours in a day, it’s hard to know how to give everyone their […]

Can You Read This Essay?
A surprising number of college athletes must answer in the negative.

A Catholic 11th Commandment
The Catholic blogosphere, which is frequently uplifting and inspiring, can also be dreadfully depressing. If you’re lucky, you will run across tips for enriching your spiritual practice, putting your faith into action, and learning about the splendid tapestry of the church we have inherited. Unfortunately, to get to the good stuff, you may have to […]

Book Review: Six Sacred Rules for Families
Why should your family have sacred rules and what should they be? Those are the questions Tim and Sue Muldoon set out to answer in Six Sacred Rules for Families: A Spirituality for the Home (Ave Maria Press, 2013). As the Muldoons state, “Rules keep everyone on the same page; rules help us plan for […]

Surviving the Wave
Imagine yourself standing on a beautiful beach. You’re near the spot where the ocean tide rolls up to meet the sand. Your back is to the water, your face to all the beach activity. It’s a bright, sunny day, the kind that makes you feel glad to be alive. People are soaking in the warm […]

Why Would My Ex-boyfriend Try to Ruin My Reputation?
Dear Anthony, I decided to give in and accept his interest in being more than friends, and we started dating. Long story short, it didn’t work out and we lost our friendship as well, which I’m still trying to get over. But what I have to deal with even more is the shock that this […]

Building the Wall in the Holy Land
A local Catholic expressed his hopes and concerns regarding the proposed building of a wall in the Holy Land that could result in Christian families losing their homes. Speaking on Monday, Jan. 27, with international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Auxiliary Bishop William Shomali of the Latin Patriarchate in Jerusalem hopes […]

Grace Uplugged, The Story of the Ages
Good versus good hardly seems like a movie plot, but in Grace Unplugged Divine good versus worldly goods is pitted against one another. At the heart of the conflict is the pull of a Father’s love and concern for his 18-year-old daughter and her push to get out from under his shadow and make it […]

One Third of Evangelicals Believe Suicide is Moral for the Incurably Ill?
In the January/February edition of Christianity Today (they called themselves CT now) a small article caught my eye. It was entitled “More evangelicals see suicide as moral.” Really? According to the Pew Research Center, 1 in 3 evangelicals who worship weekly think that “a person has a “moral right” to suicide if, they are “in […]

St. Pius X and the Church of Nice
In today’s polarized Church, we like to label that which we don’t like. We need to tell people we are the pure, and they are the impure. A lot of Catholics do this by labeling those they disagreed with “radical traditionalists” or “radtrad”, even though more often than not these Catholics were faithful Catholics in […]