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All Articles

Poem: “Tomorrow Comes and Then Another”
Tomorrow Comes and Then Another Father, my Father, the God of my heart, What is it you want of me? What is it that you ask of this flock? Your mystery is before me Through all my days and nights. I come always to adore you, But what do you want with my life? You […]

Desiring Heaven Where Love is Complete
I remember sitting with my father in a boat on the middle of a still prairie lake. It was August of 1969 and I was sixteen years old. A cool mist rose from the surface of the lake that August morning. Fishing was good just after sunrise and so there we sat still half-asleep, casting our […]

When a Governor Needs to Resign
In a speech reported in the Times Union this past Friday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated unequivocally that anyone who is pro-life, anti-homosexualist, and in favor of an undiluted Second Amendment has no place in the State of New York. From the Times Union: You have a schism within the Republican Party. … They’re searching […]

The Book Whisperer: Parenting from the Inside Out
Each time I make something for dinner that one or both the children don’t like, the familiar refrain resounds: “Tell us the story of the baked beans!” When I was about six or seven, my mother made homemade baked beans for dinner, which I refused to eat. After an hour of watching me poke at […]

More Media Stem Cell Confusion
After my many years of writing about stem cell research, I am still shocked when the media get the facts horribly wrong. I guess that comes from the assumption that to report the news, one must actually understand the subject matter. After last month’s confusion over whether research that produced mini-kidneys in the lab used […]

A Shifting Tide: Pro-Life Laws and the March for Life
Wednesday, January 22 will mark the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade: a 7 to 2 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that found a woman’s right to an abortion fell within the right to privacy protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The Justices’ decision invalidated all state laws restricting access to abortion […]

Lone Survivor: A Tale of Horror and Heroism
To the extent that art really does imitate life, every American owes it to themselves and to our troops to see the blockbuster film, Lone Survivor. Panned by cynical elites as “shameless war-porn,” in reality this movie portrays the heroism and sacrifice of four members of Seal Team 10 during a mission gone bad in the mountains of […]

A Generation Lucky to be Alive
Today, hundreds of thousands of pro-life people are gathered in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life, commemorating the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that struck down existing state laws protecting unborn children. For those who have been on the March or seen footage of it on EWTN (you can hardly see […]

United in Heart and Soul to Our Beloved
Aimed at greater intimacy than the one-flesh union, married love “leads to forming one heart and soul,” states the Catechism. (Section 1643). How do married couples become one in heart and soul, especially when the demands of daily life keep getting in the way? Becoming One Heart Talk to your beloved about what’s in your […]

On Eucharistic Existence
The death of Jesus Christ—the liturgy par excellence, the supreme oblation and fulfillment of Israel’s sacrificial system—occurred outside the holy precincts of the temple, thus demolishing the rigid dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. The Christian knows no “temple” but his body, wherein the Spirit dwells individually; and the church, wherein the Spirit dwells […]

John Paul II, Champion of Marriage
All of Rome is sold out for the end of this April. St. Peter’s Square, and every road around it will be jammed with people on Mercy Sunday (April 27, 2014). On that day, Pope Francis will announce the canonization of the most beloved Pope of modern times, Pope John Paul II. Never has there […]

40 Days of Hope
The pro-life initiative 40 Days for Life can boast a lot of numbers over six years: 600,000 participants in over 500 cities; 8,245 lives saved, 44 clinics closed and 88 clinic workers who left their employers. But numbers can’t quantify the kind of impact the apostolate has had on so many lives and the renewed […]

Media Wakes Up: Reports Pope Benedict Removed Nearly 400 Priests
After eight years of continual accusations of doing “nothing” by mainstream media, it has been revealed that Benedict XVI was busy throughout his pontificate removing priests from office who were found guilty of sexual abuse. From 2011-2012, Pope Benedict “defrocked” or laicised 384 priests, more than twice the 171 removed from the clerical state in […]

Why Priests Should Celebrate the Extraordinary Form
One of the things I enjoy the most about my job here is interacting with priests. It’s really humbling to know that some of the guys who instruct the souls from the pulpit every Sunday work with me on publishing their next column, or even read my columns and take some of the advice. Lay […]

Talking About Abortion
Shortly after the most recent study indicating that women who are seeking abortions are not moved to change their minds after they view an ultrasound, Slate’s Katy Waldman weighed in with her view. Waldman writes that “anti-choicers”—people like me—believe that “when a woman glimpses her little bean during a sonogram, her maternal instinct awakens and prompts her to carry the pregnancy to […]

Appeal from Syria’s Catholic Leader Ahead of Geneva Peace Conference
The leader of Catholics in Syria has issued an urgent appeal to the faithful in Syria, and people throughout the world, to pray for the success of this week’s Geneva II peace conference to be held in Montreux, Switzerland. Damascus-based Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III has called on every Syrian Catholic, whatever their circumstances, […]

Does God Want You to Have It All?
Can women have careers without neglecting their children? Can women have children without neglecting their intellectual gifts? In short, can women have it all? My mother taught me that the answer was no. She quoted former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher fondly and often: “A woman can have a great career and a great marriage. […]

Gimme Shelter, Based on a True Pro-life Story
One of the stupidest things I ever said was to two street urchins in Dublin, Ireland. My friend Margie and I were college students headed back to our bed and breakfast after a night on the town. The two bedraggled boys of around 8 or 9 years of age had asked us for candy. “Go […]

Poem: “Aubade at Half-Past Six on a Cold Winter Morning”
Aubade at Half-Past Six on a Cold Winter Morning Dawn’s first light shivers through half-opened blinds, creating new patterns on our old blanket. The rise and fall of your chest tethers me to the moment tighter than the memory of your warm embrace. I get up anyway and make the coffee. Maria Johnson

The Best Dressed Man
The U.S. edition of the men’s style and lifestyle magazine Esquire recently named Pope Francis as its Best Dressed Man of 2013. The magazine explained that the decision was “unconventional,” but insisted that the way that the pope dresses has “signaled a new era (and for many, renewed hope) for the Catholic Church.” Mark-Evan Blackman, […]

Ecumenical Return to Home Sweet Rome
I attended an ecumenical prayer service for Christian unity in 2011. A Baptist pastor, United Church of Christ pastor, United Methodist pastor and our parish priest took part. As we prayed together, my heart went out to the Protestant ministers. I see them, and I think of my dad, the Protestant minister. Simultaneously, I find […]

Poem: “A Birthday”
A Birthday My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a water’d shoot; My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea; My heart is gladder than all these, Because my love is come to […]

New Mexico Court Ruling on Assisting Suicide Endangers the Vulnerable
On Monday, Judge Nan G. Nash of the Second District Court in Albuquerque struck the decades-old New Mexico law which protected the state’s citizens from assisted suicide. Ruling in a lawsuit brought by the ACLU of New Mexico and Compassion & Choices, Judge Nash concluded that that killing a terminally ill patient with that person’s […]