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Barack Obama’s Church Attendance: An Interview With Dr. Gary Smith
President Obama didn’t attend religious services this past Christmas.

Refinding Fidelity
These days, it seems we all know young couples who are living together— a friend, perhaps, or even a son or daughter. With cohabitation so common, living together hardly causes “scandal” anymore. In fact, when a government study found last year that 48% of young women cohabited with a partner as a first union, one […]

Mini-Kidney Likely Grown from Embryonic Stem Cells, Not Skin Cells
Ever since the dawn of embryonic stem cell research, the media has rarely gotten the facts straight. Either the reporter is unaware of the scientific and moral differences between adult and embryonic stem cells or he has an agenda to push. Some news outlets were so bold as to call embryonic stem cells “early” stem […]

Obama Admin Doubles Down on Little Sisters of the Poor
In a reply filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration is arguing that a group of nuns that has objected to the HHS birth control and abortifacient mandate has no grounds to challenge the mandate since they are already exempt from it as a religious organization. However, lawyers for the nuns have pointed […]

Movie Review: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is, of course, Part Two in a three-part cinematic extravaganza of Tolkien’s beloved book: The Hobbit. How did Peter Jackson and Co. get three movies out of it? By drawing on The Silmarillion and other background information. Perhaps some Tolkien purists are not happy with this amalgam, but for the […]

Genocide in Sri Lanka Continues
Tamil women continue to die at the hands of the Sri Lankan government, which is intent upon eradicating the minority population. A woman named Manjula Satheeskumar and her father are the most recent casualties. On August 31st, 2013, more than 50 women and their children were told their children were going to get check-ups and […]

The Bad Evangelist Club: 33,000 Denominations
*Editor Note: Starting this month we will be introducing a new series at Catholic Lane. Known as The Bad Evangelist Club, we will be providing an examination of conscience so to speak for Catholic efforts at Evangelization and Apologetics. We will do so by reflecting on the bad arguments being made (often by the writers […]

“If Nigeria Falls to Islamic Extremists, All of Africa Will Be at Risk”
According to a local Catholic leader, Nigeria’s well-being holds the key to the fate of the African continent: “If Nigeria falls to Islamic extremists, all of Africa will be at risk.” Bishop Hyacinth Egbebo is the administrator of the Apostolic Vicariate of Bomadi, in Nigeria’s Niger Delta, in the heart of the country’s oil-rich but […]

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Same-Sex “Marriages” in Utah
In a shock to homosexual activists, the Supreme Court halted all same-sex “marriages” in Utah on Monday morning. The state began handing out marriage licenses to same-sex couples last month after Judge Robert Shelby’s ruling that Utah’s voter-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman violates the U.S. Constitution. However, last week, […]

Depression: It’s Time You Know
You work with me every day. You buy your gas from me. You see me every Sunday in church. You enjoy every holiday with me. You live next door to me. You know me pretty well. But not as well as you think. I have a mental illness. You never would guess that to be […]

Movie Review: Saving Mr. Banks
I must begin by saying that Disney has few more intense critics than this writer. I didn’t create an entirely Disney-free household for my children, but those materials generated by that empire that made their way past the threshold were clearly in enemy territory. We made a tenuous peace with some, but refused to be […]

The Book Whisperer: The Art of Spiritual Writing
At Ave Maria Press, I enjoy working closely with authors to help them “develop their craft.” Rewriting and platform-building are two of the most challenging tasks for any writer, so I am always looking for helpful resources. Vinita’s new book, The Art of Spiritual Writing, is one I highly recommend for those new to the spiritual […]

Bloodless Persecution
10 steps to coerce Christians to abandon their beliefs.

Why I Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin
I recently read an article on Huffington Post entitled “Why I Can’t Say ‘Love the Sinner/Hate the Sin’ Anymore.” The author, Micah Murray, is obviously a very caring individual, and I understand where he is coming from. He hates the idea that we would see gays – or anyone – as someone substandard, someone who is “other” […]

The Last Best New Year’s Resolution
I suggest making one last resolution for the New Year: stop making them. Within the first month, most people have broken their resolutions anyways. Ask any health club manager about the January spike that levels out by February. You don’t need the first day of January to improve your life; you need God. Life is […]

Poem: “A Sunset”
A Sunset From Hugo’s ‘Feuilles d’Automne’ I love the evenings, passionless and fair, I love the evens, Whether old manor-fronts their ray with golden fulgence leavens, In numerous leafage bosomed close; Whether the mist in reefs of fire extend its reaches sheer, Or a hundred sunbeams splinter in an azure atmosphere On cloudy archipelagos. Oh […]

What I Teach My Kids About Evolution
People ask me what I teach my kids about evolution. The answer is, “I teach the science, but not the ideology.” The Evolutionists say, “You are failing your kids as an educator!” No, I’m teaching my children to keep a view of reality firmly in place, the very first thing a scientist ought to do. The Creationists […]

Wishing You a Filthy New Year?
FILTHY: obscene, vile, impure, indecent, lascivious, lewd, pornographic, raunchy, vulgar In other words, not a very nice wish for the new year. But that is exactly what Planned Parenthood is offering our children. Not too long ago a mother wrote to me: “I am very concerned that, by using an abstinence-only approach to educating our […]

The Rise of Homo-Fascism
If you thought Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty is being treated unfairly by A&E, then you have to get a load of what is happening in Italy with regards to media treatment of dissenting views on homosexuality. The government has just issued a new set of guidelines for journalists for how to treat “LGBT” people. The guidelines, […]

Text Me Back or It’s Over!
Let me start by saying it’s okay to not know where your partner is or what they’re doing every moment of every day. There is an epidemic in today’s dating scene that is ruining relationships. It is the obsession to need constant knowledge of the whereabouts of the other. If you think I am being […]

The Secret Life of Barack Obama
Inspired by a commercial for a movie inspired by a short story.

Another New Year’s Resolution?
Focus on a sustainable change.

Book Review: By What Authority by Mark Shea
Resolve to read “By What Authority?” in 2014.

Motherhood Full of Grace
There have been certain times in my life when I felt uncomfortable about my relationship with Mary. And by Mary I mean the mother of God. I felt that I was supposed to be close with her, as a Catholic, but I just wasn’t sure what that was supposed to look like. When my sister became pregnant […]