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To See or Not to See
“I was never more hated than when I tried to be honest. Or when, even as just now I’ve tried to articulate exactly what I felt to be the truth.” Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man Christmas flows into 2014, and the busy-ness of the worldly life pulls us away from our true center. These times when we are […]

The Bottom Five: The Worst Events of 2013
The global abortion lobby has been starved for victories for quite some time. Even so, they made some advances this past year. We call these the Bottom Five, the worst events in 2013 1. Women Deliver Abortion groups highly anticipate this global conference on women’s health. This year it featured clandestine abortionists, late term abortionists […]

Reflections for Sunday, January 5, 2014
The Epiphany of the Lord Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion (Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-2,7-8,10-13; Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matthew 2:1-12) View NAB Reading at Giving our Hearts to the Lord They opened their treasures and offered him gifts. (Matthew 2:11) What’s the best gift you have received this Christmas? How about the best […]

Russia Chooses Life
Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning abortion advertising. Some members of the Duma (the Russian state assembly), are talking about going even further and banning the procedure itself. The Russian Orthodox Church, whose numbers are swelling with converts and “reverts,” is weighing in as well. One Orthodox prelate called abortion a […]

Shattered and Reborn
I once asked a priest what my life would have been like if I had not experienced suffering, if I had married a well-off dentist, had 1.25 kids and lived in an efficient, modern house. He put on a phony, pious face, put his hands together in prayer, and said in a high, mocking voice […]

Jeremiah, Christmas Trees, and the King James Bible
Responding to an annual fundamentalist canard.

Christmas and Holy Impatience
Christmas is about self-giving love. God becomes human to set humanity free from the oppression of sin and death. Accepting Christ, and celebrating Christmas, means welcoming that freedom, and striving that every human being may experience it. Hence we evangelize. And hence we work for justice. “Truly he taught us to love one another; His […]

Poem: “With My Hand I Set This Pen”
With My Hand I Set This Pen With my hand I set this pen, With full knowledge of the Author, For great words flow only from the great, And the pen and the hand only follow. So it is with God and me— He speaks, I write, He wrenches me, I feel, He informs me, […]

The Book Whisperer: Two Special Books on Adoption
To kick off my first “Book Whisperer” column, I thought I would share some wonderful adoption resources. If you have other recommendations, why not send me a note? My first favorite is Ten Days and Nine Nights by Yumi Heo (Random), for families with older children who are awaiting the adoption of a younger sibling (in this case, […]

The Nativity Scene Opens Our Hearts to the Mystery of Life
Tradition teaches that Saint Francis of Assisi set up the first Nativity scene in order to inspire and encourage a greater appreciation of the wonders of the first Christmas. The year was 1223, and Francis created the scene in a cave outside Greccio, Italy featuring a wax figure of the infant Jesus and a man […]

Vatican II One-Year Reading Plan
One-year reading plans for Vatican II, New Testament, and Catechism.

The Key to New Year’s Resolutions
There’s a reason why only 8 percent of New Year’s resolutions are kept: Too many of us make resolutions that lack resolve. “Resolve” is a powerful world. According to one dictionary, it means “to solve a problem, or to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a disagreement.” Bill Gates elaborated on the concept in […]

The Incarnation and the Family
Every year right after Christmas, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. There is an important reason for this. It’s easy to think the “incarnation” means God took on a human body, that he appeared in human flesh. But there is much more to it than that. In Jesus, God unites himself to an […]

Christmas: No Longer Afraid
Pondering the Gospel narratives from the Annunciation to the Presentation, it is striking how all of the principals in the story were confused, troubled and even gripped by fear. All of them. And from Heaven came the constant, soothing admonishment: “Do not be afraid.” Beginning with the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to the priest, […]

The School of the Gospel is Always in Session
The home of Nazareth is the school where we begin to understand the life of Jesus—the school of the Gospel (CCC No. 533). My parents married in 1969. The day before the wedding my father got cold feet. In the hotel bar he sat drinking beer with the lawyer Tom Wall who counseled my father […]

Avoiding the Climax of Intellectual Stupidity
Until relatively recently, atheism just seemed to me like a phase for confused college students—usually nothing to be taken seriously, only something to be outgrown. However, atheism has become more pernicious in recent years. Aside from those who are going through a phase of “amateur atheism” occasioned by trendiness, myopic biology professors, or tough situations […]

Poem: “The Christmas Presence”
The Christmas Presence He came to Exist in a world of cold; Bereft of a loving heed. Not once to bring a thing we want, But Instead everything we Need. This time of year when people hurry; A’herding here to there, A time of frantic maw and sup, A time beref’t real care. He was […]

Is There Still No Room for Him at the Inn?
At this time of year we frequently see a clash between the secular and the religious. We hear arguments that make many of us cringe while others rub their hands together with joy, pleased with the debate they have again provoked. For instance, we hear from those like Bill O’Reilly that Christmas was declared a […]

Ebenezer Scrooge: Christmas Eve Conversion
“I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”

One of the Most Powerful Christmas Lessons
What we can grasp is the innocence and gentleness of the baby Jesus.

The Christmas Metamorphosis
I’m like a Christmas caterpillar. During the holidays, I put on a fuzzy sweater and eat my way through the season. By the Epiphany, the sweater is a little snug. But that’s ok. I think of it as just a phase in my evolving yuletide metamorphosis, as I pass through different stages of development on […]

Tabb’s Poetry XLVIII
Five poems for Christmas Day by John B. Tabb.

Consider Christ
With today’s writing I want to speak to an audience I don’t normally speak to. We “smart” Catholics like to look down on those who don’t do things the way we do. We look down on those who aren’t there with us every Sunday at Mass. This is the audience I’d like to speak to. […]

The Deeper Meaning of Christmas
In the days of Caesar Augustus, an era of peace was established in the Mediterranean world after centuries of strife. But this peace was forged by the proud ambition of emperors and the edge of their armies’ swords. Upon this stage appears a baby acclaimed as king by eastern dignitaries. Neither Caesar nor Herod will […]