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Rick Santorum Distributing Movie: The Christmas Candle
“Marketing a movie rivals to some degree running a Presidential campaign.” So says two term US Senator and 2012 Presidential contender, Rick Santorum. During last year’s election cycle, Santorum exhibited his organizational and communication skills in winning eleven Presidential primaries, enough to give Mitt Romney a run for his money. In part, no doubt, it […]

Poem: “Where Have all the Fairies Gone?”
Where Have all the Fairies Gone? What happens: When the last baby laughs, and No more fairies fly forth from dandelion fluff Born on the breeze of an infant’s giggle? When little girls no longer twirl In pink tulle around the foyer? Can I still dream of carefree days Dissolved into the misery of life? […]

Supreme Court Considers Landmark Case on Public Prayer
The Supreme Court is hearing a landmark case whether public meetings may begin with prayer, but it could have wider implications on the foundational American principle of freedom of religion. The town of Greece, New York, opens its public meetings by allowing citizens to voluntarily deliver prayers. In February 2008, Americans United for Separation of […]

How to Be Right All The Time
Back in my other life, when I was a full time high school English teacher, I had a lot of good stories. Almost daily something funny or tragic would happen because I was working with two highly dramatic and unpredictable groups: teenagers and teachers. Throw in parents paying high property taxes and administrators protecting their […]

Middle East – Meeting With Pope and Prayer for Peace
Hopes are high, ahead of the meeting of the Catholic patriarchs of the Middle East with the Pope. Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako, the head of the Chaldean Catholic Church, which is in full communion with Rome, spoke to the international Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), remarking that he expects […]

HHS Mandate Challenge Headed to the Supreme Court
The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI, late Tuesday, filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court asking for review of the HHS Mandate Challenge filed by the Law Center on behalf of Michael Potter and his natural food company, Eden Foods. Erin […]

Save the Pandas and Down Syndrome
One of the casualties during the recent Government shutdown was the Washington DC Zoo Panda Cam: “The National Zoo announced that all its live zoo cams, including the one trained on the zoo’s 5-week-old panda cub, will go dark.” The Panda Cam allows viewers to watch the activities of Giant Pandas Mei Xiang and Tian […]

Working Mom’s Survival Kit
Today is my first “normal” day back at work (from my home office) since Chris came home. Now, under ideal circumstances (everyone but me — including the dog — out of the house for an eight-hour stretch, the house clean and crock pot simmering), I enjoy working from home. However, since “ideal circumstances” seldom present themselves […]

Why You Should Receive Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue
In the 13 years I have been a practicing Catholic, I have been a traditionalist all but two of them. As a result, I have received communion on the tongue and kneeling for eleven years. I’ve also found that the way we traditionalists receive communion is something that many Catholics outside of the Extraordinary Form […]

Appeals Court Blocks HHS Mandate for Catholic Business Owners
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked enforcement of ObamaCare’s controversial contraception mandate in the case of two Catholic business owners. Cyril and Jane Korte, who own and operate Korte & Luitjohanm Contractors, Inc., and the Grote Family, which owns and manages Grote Industries, Inc., argued that the law forces them to violate their […]

Why We Can’t Save Marriage in Five Easy Steps
The way to save marriage isn’t by new laws, but new hearts.

Force the Vote!
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), along with a third of his colleagues as co-sponsors, has introduced in the US Senate a bill to protect children from abortion starting at 20-weeks of fetal age (“22 weeks LMP”). The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives, has been enacted in […]

Faith Comes Down to This
Living the Christian faith comes down to these three ways of life: prayer, humility, and obedience. No matter who you are or where you come from, if you truly want to be a committed and faithful Christian: (1) you must spend some serious time engaged in vocal prayer (both privately and with the community in […]

Book Review: Pope Francis: I Believe in Mercy
Known for their work on the Manga Hero edition of Habemus Papem which told of Pope Benedict XVI, the creative team of Regina Doman as writer and Sean Lam as artist has once again joined to tell a pope’s life story. This time the attention is on Pope Francis. Intended for teens and young adults, […]

Miracle of Faith
A reflection on today’s Sacred Scripture: “One of them, realizing he had been healed, returned, glorifying God in a loud voice” (Luke 17:15). Jesus always responds to prayers made in faith. The faith of the ten lepers brought them a miraculous cure, but the faith of one brought him back to the feet of Jesus, where […]

ObamaCare’s Marriage Penalty
Would you pay $10,000 a year to stay married to your spouse? Some American couples are being faced with exactly that decision as they consider their health insurance options under ObamaCare. One of the most controversial provisions of ObamaCare is that it requires all Americans to purchase health insurance, whether they want it or not, […]

Did You Run Out of Sins?
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman once said: “Faith is illuminative, not operative; it does not force obedience, though it increases responsibility; it heightens guilt, but it does not prevent sin. The will is the source of action.” If the will is the source of action and faith is illuminative because it comes from God, then […]

Movie Review: Gravity
“Just when you thought it was safe to go back in space…,” a terrifying movie like “Gravity” hits you in the face. “Gravity” is one of those films that’s truly an experience that one undergoes: one of the tensest time periods ever spent in a cinema. This is an extremely uncomfortable film. Space is the […]

African Women Beware – Harmful Contraceptive Due in Bulk
This week family planning and abortion advocates are coming out in force for an International Family Planning conference co-hosted by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health and Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population. The 3-day conference opened in Addis Ababa with the theme “Full Access—Full Choice.” Stakeholders will present on greater access to abortion and how […]

The Unseen Scars Are Often As Painful As The Ones Seen
Actions produce some effects that are readily apparent and others that are not.

We Must Evangelize
It’s the great dilemma for Catholics. We know that we are to share Christ. We are to go into the highways and byways and even into the Internet superhighway and tell the world about Jesus Christ and His Church. But we don’t know what to do about that troublesome word: proselytizing. Evangelism is good. Proselytizing is bad. […]

Abortion Advocates Vocally Frustrated at the UN
Advocates for abortion at the UN are vocally frustrated with their lack of advancement since the Cairo conference on population twenty years ago. This becomes increasing evident as they gear up for two big events in the coming year. Next year will see not only the twentieth anniversary of Cairo but the negotiation of a […]

Apologies from Utopia
What was once character has become branding.