St. Soter, Pope, Martyr

St. SoterST. SOTER was raised to the papacy upon the death of St. Anicetus, in 173. By the sweetness of his discourses he comforted all persons with the tenderness of a father, and assisted the indigent with liberal alms, especially those who suffered for the faith.

He liberally extended his charities, according to the custom of his predecessors, to remote churches, particularly to that of Corinth, to which he addressed an excellent letter.  St. Dionysius of Corinth expresses gratitude for the Pope’s epistle to the Corinthians, adding that it was found worthy to be read for edification on Sundays at their assemblies to celebrate the divine mysteries, together with the letter of Pope St. Clement.

St. Soter vigorously opposed the heresy of Montanus, and governed the Church to the year 177.

The Saint of the Day courtesy of Butler's Lives of the Saints, 1894 Edition.