Tag: "Baby Gammy"

Why Everyone Should Oppose Surrogacy

Why Everyone Should Oppose Surrogacy


I am an outspoken critic of gestational surrogacy, in which the gestational mother carries a child to term for another person or couple. I have noticed that many people do not understand the stakes in this issue. Pro-life people think, “Gosh, surrogacy makes babies, how can that be bad?” Feminists think, “Gosh, surrogacy allows people […]

Ignorant Slaves

Ignorant Slaves


Pattharamon Janbua is a surrogate mother who carried twins for an Australian couple. Upon learning that one of the twins had Down syndrome, the couple pressed Janbua to get an abortion. She refused and the couple chose to abandon that child and take only the healthy baby. This is a chilling story, but one with a happy ending […]

‘Baby Gammy’ Raises Awareness for True Nature of ‘Surrogacy Motherhood’

‘Baby Gammy’ Raises Awareness for True Nature of ‘Surrogacy Motherhood’


After two weeks of media reports on baby Gammy, is difficult to discern which version of the story is the one we should believe. Is it true that the Australian couple, who used the services of a Thai “surrogate mom”, upon learning that one of the two children that the “surrogate mom” was expecting suffered […]