The Betrayal of the USS Cole
by Daniel Greenfield
Betrayed too many times to count.
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Betrayed too many times to count.
Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party No. 47544
In the absence of facts, there is only ideology.
“It is time to cancel” the annual bi-partisan charity event known as “the Al Smith Dinner and all the other ‘Catholic’ traditions that have been hijacked by the world,” recently asserted Msgr. Charles Pope in a column that was quickly removed from the official website of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.. “In the old days […]
On Monday, June 30, Priests for Life expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. Upon further analysis of that decision, we continue to be encouraged by it and by its implications for our own case, which has already been argued in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which could issue […]
It’s always the same speech, really.
President Obama didn’t attend religious services this past Christmas.
Inspired by a commercial for a movie inspired by a short story.
The left has a long history of marrying incompetence and malice.
Catholics are supposed to be the champions of human rights. We are 25 percent of the U.S. population, yet Barack Obama was twice elected president and he wages numerous kinds of war both here and abroad. As Congress weighs Obama’s plan to bomb the Syrian people, Catholics and all Americans need to understand what’s at […]
An America that goes post-national has made the argument for its own non-existence.
“Is Traditional Marriage Toast?” That question recently caught my attention as the heading of an article in the neo-conservative Weekly Standard. The answer was either “very possibly” (a subhead attached to the piece) or “probably not” (an objective reading would suggest that). Take your pick. Be not afraid. Marriage and family life won’t vanish, given […]
Our armed forces had appropriate capabilities but couldn’t use them. Why?
On the evening of the Boston Marathon bombing I was doing a radio interview about a book I’d written. Before getting to me, the host asked listeners to pray for victims of the atrocity in Boston and for the nation. When my turn came, I said, “My prayer is ‘deliver us from evil.’” The host […]
“I love you!” shouted one of the rapturous faithful at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington. “I love you back,” responded the proud recipient, President Barack Obama. The uncontrollable adulation, the outpouring of genuine love, he said, was making him blush. Obama regretted to the ladies that he had missed their “party” the night […]
As all the world surely knows by now, “equality” is the ideological key to President Obama’s domestic policies. That all people are created equal, the president says, is the “most evident of truths.” Whether that’s so or not, it is unquestionably the case that you express any reservations whatsoever about equality these days at no […]