Tag: "children’s literature"

Book Review: Our Lady's Picture Book

Book Review: Our Lady’s Picture Book


Anthony DeStefano has written a new book entitled Our Lady’s Picture Book through Sophia Institute Press. The book is illustrated by Juliana Kolesova.  This is the sequel to his bestselling book Our Lady’s Wardrobe.  A beautifully told and illustrated book, Anthony explains page by page the different title of Mary including: Our Lady of Sorrows; […]

Book Review: <i>Dear God, You Can't Be Serious</i>

Book Review: Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious


Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious (Liguori Publications, 2014) is the sequel to Patti Maguire Armstrong’s Dear God, I Don’t Get It, but one need not have read the first one to enjoy the second. While the first book focused on older brother Aaron, a sixth grader who had to move to a new state […]

The Magic of Belief

The Magic of Belief


Through the years I have been asked to review a good many books on topics from microbiology, to evolution, biomedical ethics, spirituality, and even the life of Cardinal Newman. It’s always a privilege to do so, to be a part of the birthing of an author’s dream, to help bring forward an idea, a perspective, […]

Transhumanist Children's Book Says "Death is Enemy of Us All"

Transhumanist Children’s Book Says “Death is Enemy of Us All”


Transhumanism is everywhere. We are being steeped in it like a tea bag in hot water. Not all the images are favorable, but shows like Almost Human, Intelligence, and Lab Rats and movies like the Bourne Legacy, Her, and Transcendence keep transhumanist themes always percolating, especially in the minds of those who will be most […]

Book Review: <em>Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious!</em>

Book Review: Dear God, You Can’t Be Serious!


Have you ever found a really good series of kids’ books, something the kids love to hear read aloud and to re-read on their own (or for our kids, to leaf through and look at the pictures again), but wished that there was something more in them than a light adventure story? I love reading […]

Book Review: <em>Breakfast in Bethlehem</em>

Book Review: Breakfast in Bethlehem


This is a heartwarming children’s book, but it will make readers of any age feel closer to the birth of our Savior. In 40 pages, Edward Looney crafted a story giving a message that does good to the soul: Christmas is about Baby Jesus. It’s about going with the Holy Family as they journey through […]

Book Review: <i>Dear God, I Don't Get It</i>

Book Review: Dear God, I Don’t Get It


Dear God, I Don’t Get It by Patti Maguire Armstrong Liguori Publications, 2013 Why does God answer some prayers and not others? This is a question that plagues even adults. Sometimes, we pray so hard and think we know what God should do in our lives. And then, God does something else or He does […]