Tag: "Christian life"

Jesus Beckons

My Masterpiece


Rediscover your Master.

How To Be A Crazy (for Christ) Catholic

How To Be A Crazy (for Christ) Catholic


Do you make the Sign of the Cross and bow your head in prayer before eating at a restaurant? On Ash Wednesday, do you walk into work after lunch with an ashy smudge on your forehead? When asked by your colleagues what you did on the weekend, do you say you went to Mass? Do […]

A Daily Examination of Conscience

A Daily Examination of Conscience


A simple examination of conscience helps build the moral life of a Catholic. It guides a Catholic towards  holiness and sainthood. Like taking vitamins or brushing your teeth, it should be done daily! Find a set time where you will have anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes of quiet and solitude.  If possible, also find […]

The Devil Is in Comparison

The Devil Is in Comparison


I can hardly tell you how often I’ve had the following thoughts lately: “She’s married with three kids and she is only a year older than I am, what am I doing with my life?“ “She’s traveled to six different countries in the last three years, what on Earth have I been doing?“ “He’s got a great […]

Easy vs. Effortless

Easy vs. Effortless


The path of life is never really easy for any of us. Even for Christians, life is still a struggle. Jesus didn’t say “Believe in me so you can sit around doing nothing.” He said “Deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” Then He proceeded to be tried and convicted, scourged, crowned […]