Tag: "common core"

Common Core

Wake Up, Conservatives!


Conservatives should favor local autonomy over top-down control.

Teach Your Children Something Useless

Teach Your Children Something Useless


Every once in a while, educational fads turn toward “back to basics.” Schools emphasize necessary and useful subjects–meaning, useful for getting a job. Math, reading, and science take center stage. Other subjects get cut. In fact, one of the biggest criticisms of the new Common Core Standards is its utilitarian, vocational perspective on education. In […]

Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Core State Standards

Catholic Social Teaching and the Common Core State Standards


The Common Core State Standards are raising tremendous controversy as politicians, educators, and parents analyze their accuracy and effectiveness; however, any analysis of the content of the Common Core State Standards necessarily ignores the main objection to these, or any federal standards, imposed on American schools.  The fact is that any federally imposed standard violates […]

Common Core

Worried About Privacy? How About Common Core?


We’re facing unchecked data collection as part of a significant and sweeping federal educational mandate.