Tag: "culture of life"

Philadelphia March for Life January 23, 2021

Philadelphia March for Life January 23, 2021


The Pro-life Union of Greater Philadelphia will host the “Philadelphia March for Life” on Saturday, January 23, 2021.  The day begins with Roman Catholic Mass at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Philadelphia at 1723 Race Street, Philadelphia with Archbishop Nelson Perez. Following Mass, the March will begin at North 17th Street and […]

Be Not Afraid! St. John Paul II’s Key to Building a Culture of Life

Be Not Afraid! St. John Paul II’s Key to Building a Culture of Life


The recent canonization of Saint John Paul II offers an impetus to reflect on both his life and his papacy. The Pope’s leadership of the Catholic Church was exemplified by his signature phrase “Be not afraid!” Yet, what exactly was he exhorting the faithful to face without fear? Pope John Paul II first uttered this […]

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life


If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Romans 8:31) This exhortation by Saint Paul vividly expresses the full extent of the love of God the Father and […]

Building the Culture John XXII and John Paul II Envisioned

Building the Culture John XXII and John Paul II Envisioned


This Sunday, Pope Francis will proclaim Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II Saints. He personally chose the date to coincide with Divine Mercy Sunday, a feast inaugurated by John Paul II in 2000. It was on the eve of this feast on April 2, 2005 that John Paul II gave up his spirit […]

So You Think You're Pro-Life?

So You Think You’re Pro-Life?


After experiencing my own unplanned pregnancy, and now working at a crisis pregnancy resource center, everything that I ever thought about being pro-life has completely changed. I realized that before I got some perspective, I actually wasn’t very pro-life at all. Yes, I believed that abortion was wrong, so in that sense I was pro-life, […]

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life


With the start of Advent, Catholics begin using a new translation of the Mass. Along with this there are two brand new texts for a Mass “For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life.” This is the result of a long process that actually started with Cardinal John O’Connor of New York […]

Raising a Culture of Life

Raising a Culture of Life


As I pulled the minivan into our garage late one night my 14-year-old son came out to help me carry in the bins and boxes of materials I had used at a talk I gave that evening at church.  I knew the real reason he was being so helpful:  I had promised to bring home […]