Tag: "democracy"

The Plot Against Democracy

The Plot Against Democracy


There’s no room in the Democrat Party for democrats.

Mount Rushmore with American Flag Background

Presidents Day Mea Culpa to Two Great Leaders


We began to shrink from the dangerous blessing of liberty.

The Occupy Movement: A Report from Occupy Seattle, Part 2

The Occupy Movement: A Report from Occupy Seattle, Part 2


What does Occupy Wall Street want?  Last week GOP Presidential candidate, Herman Cain stated, “nobody knows what their cause is. How are you going to assist them with a cause when you don’t know what the cause is?” Well, I’m not sure about the representativeness of the signs carried at camp-outs and marches during Occupy […]

Monarchy and the American Constitution

Monarchy and the American Constitution


No matter how good a system is “on paper,” it must arise from a people’s own experience and tradition. We do not preserve the idea of tradition by destroying it — no matter how flawed it might be — and imposing an alien system. On the other hand, tradition is neither something fixed for all […]

Regalism versus Real Catholic Monarchy

Regalism versus Real Catholic Monarchy


The Development of Regalism Regalism was a development of the late Middle Ages and early modern period that sought to centralize all power in the hands of the king. All social and economic institutions, even — or especially — the Church, were brought under royal control. This was the beginning of the modern “nation-state,” in […]

Why I Am a Monarchist

Why I Am a Monarchist


The announcement that one is a monarchist is greeted with the same regard as the announcement that one has joined the Flat-Earth Society, or espouses geo-centrism, or has expressed a belief in a world only 6,000 years old, where God planted fossils in the ground just for fun. Politically, monarchism has a prestige just a […]