Tag: "education"

The Best Book on Homeschooling I Have Ever Read

The Best Book on Homeschooling I Have Ever Read


I don’t often reread books. As a book reviewer, I always seem to have more good books in my “to be read” pile than I could ever have time for. Therefore, for me to read a book twice, it really needs to be something extraordinary and helpful to my life. A Little Way of Homeschooling […]

<i>Disorientation</i>: How to Go to College without Losing Your Mind

Disorientation: How to Go to College without Losing Your Mind


The world of academia during the Seventies opened our minds so wide that our brains seemed to fall out. False teachings often undermined faith and morals. Yet, we came away believing we were more highly evolved than when we went in. I recall one professor warning a class of seniors: “You will be surprised that […]

"Story of Stuff" Videos Aim Stealth Indoctrination at Students

“Story of Stuff” Videos Aim Stealth Indoctrination at Students


Yesterday, I noted a sure sign that summer is nearly over: There were commercials on TV for ingredients to make school lunches. Already, the folks at Oscar Mayer are offering suggestions for how to make a lunch that kids will find nutritious and delicious, though they don’t offer any advice in the ads on how […]

The Gift of Spiritual Motherhood

The Gift of Spiritual Motherhood


I’ve been stumbling over a habit I have of referring to “my kids.”  I’m sure that’s confusing to those of you who don’t know me.  “Wait, didn’t I see something about consecrated virginity?  But she has kids?  Hang on, now….”So rather than footnote it every time, I thought I’d write you a good long explanation. […]

What Writing Can Do For the Restless Soul

What Writing Can Do For the Restless Soul


“I’ve written a song,” he says. And he sings it all day long… and the next. It fills the rooms and his siblings throw pillows at him and I stop them and tell him that his work is good. “But Mommy, what if I forget my song? I’m starting to forget. It seems to change […]

Low Confidence in Public Schools is Warranted

Low Confidence in Public Schools is Warranted


Perhaps it was the rash of sexual-abuse cases on the part of public school teachers discovered during the 2011-2012 school year. Or maybe it was the poor impression of educators left by Wisconsin teachers union members in the wake of protests against Gov. Scott Walker. Or maybe parents finally took the time to go through […]

School Principal Seems Tone Deaf to Patriotism

School Principal Seems Tone Deaf to Patriotism


In 1983, President Ronald Reagan’s National Commission on Excellence in Education presaged “a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people.” Looks like the tide has rolled in. This week, proving just how accurate a predication that was, kindergartners in Brooklyn, N.Y., were forbidden from singing the patriotic […]

Rallies Call for Standing Up for Religious Freedom

Rallies Call for Standing Up for Religious Freedom


When historians one day look back on the rise and fall of the American republic, it won’t only be our habitual deficit spending and lack of financial discipline they blame for our demise, but the deficit of faith and lack of religion in our children’s generation. The beliefs and values that once served as the […]

Julia’s Carefree Life Offers No Real Appeal

Julia’s Carefree Life Offers No Real Appeal


Last week, in an advertorial slideshow on ObamaForAmerica.com, the president’s re-election campaign introduced “The Life of Julia” about a fictional “everywoman” whose government-subsidized existence is intended to reassure women voters about President Obama’s ability to provide for them in an uncertain future. This “composite” female — not to be confused with the one who portrayed […]




When I was a Sophomore in high school, I was assigned a research paper that was to make up a percentage of my overall English grade. I purchased a sizable stack of index cards per instructions and immediately set to work filling them in. As I sat surveying the small mountain of ridiculous index cards […]

Disgusted Parents ‘Occupy’ the Classroom

Disgusted Parents ‘Occupy’ the Classroom


That rumbling sound you hear isn’t a snow-removal truck, a low-flying plane or a train inadvertently chugging through your backyard. No, it’s the low, slow churning of civic discontent, fomenting thanks to the decades-long trend toward educational mediocrity and resulting in a grass-roots movement that will — with any luck at all — restore our […]

Obedience and Ballroom Dancing

Obedience and Ballroom Dancing


I don’t think anyone would argue with the notion that in order to learn any new skill, you need to have the ability to be obedient. For example, if you want to learn how to do the fox trot, or tango, chances are you would register for classes and obey the instructor. You would do what […]

New Hampshire Learns Lesson in Parental Rights

New Hampshire Learns Lesson in Parental Rights


Just how frustrated are American parents with the leftist Kool Aid being passed off as curriculum in our nation’s public schools? It’s come to this: Last week, the New Hampshire legislature overturned a gubernatorial veto of a bill that will allow parents to object to material being taught in school and further empowers them to […]

Special Education – “Spirituality” In Our Public Schools?

Special Education – “Spirituality” In Our Public Schools?


I heard a fantastic homily awhile back – well, the first part of it anyway.  Father’s initial comments set me on a train of thought that I will pass along in the body of the article.  Father asked us to contemplate the incredible gifts that God has given us.  He pointed out that we humans […]

How 4-H Helps With College & Scholarship Applications

How 4-H Helps With College & Scholarship Applications


“My 4-H achievement record is a waste of time that no one will ever look at,” a teen grumbled at me this summer. I disagreed. Now that I’m the mother of a daughter on the quest for college acceptance letters and scholarship offers, I can back up my disagreement. Each college has its own questions […]

“I Spy” is More than Child’s Play

“I Spy” is More than Child’s Play


If you think “I Spy” is just a game for children, think again. Our federal government and the public school system have begun to play – but for real and they’re playing with our lives and the lives of our children. Team Obama has launched “Attack Watch,” (www.AttackWatch.com) an interactive website and subcategory of www.mybarackobama.com […]

Public School Systems Cheating Nation’s Youth

Public School Systems Cheating Nation’s Youth


Benjamin Franklin said, “Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden, it is forbidden because it is hurtful.” Someone ought to hang that quote in every doorway of every school and office of the Atlanta Public Schools system. Last week’s release by GeorgiaGov. Nathan Deal of an investigative report on widespread cheating within APS on […]

Eucharist and the Mass in the Catholic School

Eucharist and the Mass in the Catholic School


[This report was prepared on behalf of a group of Catholic parents to address issues locally that may also be going on elsewhere in the country.  It is published here as a resource for parents who may find it useful.] The Role of the Eucharist and the Mass in the Catholic School: Parental Concerns and […]

Q&A with Herb Meyer: How to Analyze Information

Q&A with Herb Meyer: How to Analyze Information


Dr. Paul Kengor: Herb Meyer, you’re a favorite here at The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College. You did our Ronald Reagan Lecture in February 2009, which was truly captivating (click here to watch). You did one of our Freedom Readers lectures last year (click here). And you’re also no stranger to […]

Are You Thinking About Homeschooling?

Are You Thinking About Homeschooling?


Even though September seems a long ways away, this is the time of year when academic decisions for next school year are often made. Are you considering homeschooling next year? Perhaps it is an idea you have been considering for a long time, or maybe you recently met someone who homeschools and you want to […]