Tag: "Extraordinary Form"

Thinking Liturgically:  The Introit

Thinking Liturgically: The Introit


After the Confetior and a series of prayers, the priest ascends the altar and begins to read the Introit.  During High Mass, this is the set of verses that is chanted as Mass begins.  In the Ordinary Form, this is referred to as the “opening verse”, and is actually optional.  The priest might say it […]

Traditionalists and the Incarnation

Traditionalists and the Incarnation


In a previous article, I outlined my belief that one of the greatest dangers facing Catholicism today is a lack of belief in the doctrine of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.  This lack of belief stems from failing to appreciate the wide-ranging conclusions from such an event.  I pointed out how this problem has led […]

For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen

For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen


We may be mediocre, but with our gifts and the sacraments, we traditionalists look to rise above mediocrity. We only ask a chance a chance to let us do so.