Tag: "family"

Baby Crowned

In America, Every Baby is a “Royal Baby”


Across the globe, every birth should be celebrated!

How Does the Internet Affect Your Relationships?

How Does the Internet Affect Your Relationships?


There we were, my husband and I, lounging around the living room, facing each other but not looking at each other. He was transfixed on his laptop, ear buds in place, watching something on Netflix. I was glued to my laptop, working on business stuff. Over in a corner of the kitchen, two of our […]

Prayer Life Growing Pains

Prayer Life Growing Pains


In talking to my mother the other day, she told me she had found a couple of the Christmas video greetings we used to make and send every year since we moved 900 miles away. I apologized for not getting them made in recent years. “I thought when the children got older we would have […]

Enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Our Family

Enthroning the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Our Family


For a parent, there is nothing more humbling than understanding that God has entrusted us with the care of his precious little ones.  Nothing in life makes us realize the enormity of our responsibility as well as the reality of our inability as when our newborn is first placed in our arms.  It is the […]

Enduring Obnoxious Behavior

Enduring Obnoxious Behavior


To: Marybeth From: Bracing myself for obnoxious relatives Summer is coming, and that means it’s time for our annual family reunion, a full week at the beach where I will once again spend several days surrounded by some of the worst parents I know. I say this lovingly — these terrible parents are my own […]

Social Media in the Marriage and the Family

Social Media in the Marriage and the Family


“I’m not that interested in ‘mass’ communications. I’m much more interested in what happens between this person and the one person watching. The space between the television set and that person who’s watching is very holy ground.” – Fred Rogers The traditional family unit has been negatively hit from so many directions in our world […]

No One Prays Like a Mom

No One Prays Like a Mom


God gives Moms big hearts because He knows they’re going to need them. Especially when the Mom in question happens to live in a family full of jokesters. Take our family, where the Jokester-in-Chief is none other than Dad himself. One time Mom went down to the basement to do a load of laundry and […]

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb


To: Marybeth From: Irritated Aunt My 13-year-old son will be confirmed in a solemn ceremony at our church. We have invited our extended families to join us for the confirmation and, afterward, for a nice dinner in our son’s honor. We would like everyone to dress appropriately (and modestly) for the occasion, but I’m certain […]

The Secret to Life

The Secret to Life


I wish I could say that I said prayers with my children every morning, prayed the rosary with them every day, and remembered nightly prayers at bedtime. I know I should have this routine, but time passes and before I know it each day, breakfast is served and cleared (okay, well not always cleared) school […]

Making Time for the Good Things

Making Time for the Good Things


It’s easy, as a dad, to come up with all sorts of reasons why spending time on work is a top priority. We can easily forget that one of the primary purposes of work is to ensure health and well-being for our families. And we can wind up allowing the goodness and excitement of work […]

UN Commission Reinforces Role of Family for Development

UN Commission Reinforces Role of Family for Development


Last week a UN commission that formulates social policies acknowledged the role of the family as the natural and fundamental unit of society, rejecting attempts by western nations to re-define the family. The Commission on Social Development concluded its annual session by adopting a resolution observing the International Year of the Family in 2014 that […]

Becoming a Holy Family

Becoming a Holy Family


“As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 “What does it mean to be a holy family?”  I asked my second grade First Communion class.  Most of the eager young hands in the room went up. “Be nice.” “Obey your parents.” “Do the 10 Commandments.” “Pray.” “Good answers,” I encouraged […]

Fathers: The Responsibilities of Headship

Fathers: The Responsibilities of Headship


I am going to go out on a limb here and talk a little about Ephesians Chapter 5.  First let’s quote it, and then I’ll proceed to my thoughts on the topic: “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is […]

One Waiting for Us

One Waiting for Us


My husband Mark and I used to make a trip to the maternity ward every couple of years.  Given our track record, it was a good idea to have an extra home pregnancy kit tucked away on a bathroom shelf.  One month, I did not really think I was pregnant but since I was late, […]

What is Community, Really?

What is Community, Really?


Lately, I’ve been involved in a number of ongoing efforts and conversations regarding community. Basically, we’ve been trying to get at the crux of what community really is and how to live it, and that’s got me yearning to dig deeper into the subject. We hear the word “community” all the time, used in many […]

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First


It was time to make another dreaded phone call telling  my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, […]

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To Weed or Not to Weed…That is the Question


Without any kind of a deep freeze this past winter, the weeds have had a field day (pun intended) this spring.  I don’t know about your neighborhood, but ours is totally infested with chickweed.  Now, chickweed looks innocent enough, with its dainty little white flowers and delicate stems, but don’t be fooled.  It’s a cold-blooded […]

Reaching Out to a Love-Starved World

Reaching Out to a Love-Starved World


An interview with Catholic author, Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, on Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Welcome , Donna-Marie! As you know, I’m a devoted fan of your books, so it’s an honor to have you join us to chat about your absolutely superb new booklet through Ave Maria Press, Bringing Lent Home With Mother Teresa: Prayers, Reflections, […]

Newfangled Nonsense

Newfangled Nonsense


I am attempting to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in bathroom technology, but every time I use the ladies room it is a whole new learning curve. What do I mean exactly? Some places have automatic faucets that turn on when your hands line up within the precise perimeters and a warm spray douses […]