Tag: "HHS mandate"

Little Sisters of the Poor Win at Supreme Court

Little Sisters of the Poor Win at Supreme Court


Today the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously protected the Little Sisters of the Poor from draconian government fines and recognized that the government does not need the Little Sisters to provide services such as the week after pill. The Court also noted the government finally admitted it could indeed meet its goals without involving the Little […]

Little Sisters of the Poor Appeal to the Supreme Court

Little Sisters of the Poor Appeal to the Supreme Court


For the second time in two years, the Little Sisters of the Poor must ask the Supreme Court to protect them from the government. The order of Catholic nuns and other non-profits have been forced to ask the Court for relief due to the government’s refusal to exempt them from a regulation that makes them […]

Priests for Life Case Against HHS Mandate Moves Forward

Priests for Life Case Against HHS Mandate Moves Forward


The lawsuit of Priests for Life against the Obama Administration’s HHS mandate continues to move forward in the nation’s second highest court. On Tuesday, we filed a supplemental brief with the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals addressing two key developments that have occurred since oral arguments were heard by that court in May. […]

After Hobby Lobby Comes Priests for Life -- Why We Are Confident

After Hobby Lobby Comes Priests for Life — Why We Are Confident


On Monday, June 30, Priests for Life expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. Upon further analysis of that decision, we continue to be encouraged by it and by its implications for our own case, which has already been argued in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which could issue […]

Missing the Forest for the Trees

Missing the Forest for the Trees


Last week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc case. As virtually everyone is aware, the CEO of Hobby Lobby is contesting the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate. The company’s refusal to comply with the mandate stems from a religious objection to birth control and […]

Scholars Say Obama Contraception Mandate Violates Int’l Law

Scholars Say Obama Contraception Mandate Violates Int’l Law


Beer companies want gay pride on display at St. Patrick’s Day Parades. Coca-Cola wants to save polar bears. Hobby Lobby Stores wants to protect unborn children. While each is exercising corporate social conscience, the one motivated by religious beliefs may be fined $1.3 million per day. President Obama’s contraception mandate, a provision in his health […]

US Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on HHS Mandate Tuesday

US Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on HHS Mandate Tuesday


Activists from around the country, from pro-life groups to Tea Party Patriots, plan to be on-hand on Tuesday for a rally opposing the HHS mandate as the Supreme Court begins to hear arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius. “This case has always been about religious liberty. […]

Obama Admin Doubles Down on Little Sisters of the Poor

Obama Admin Doubles Down on Little Sisters of the Poor


In a reply filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, the Obama administration is arguing that a group of nuns that has objected to the HHS birth control and abortifacient mandate has no grounds to challenge the mandate since they are already exempt from it as a religious organization. However, lawyers for the nuns have pointed […]

HHS Mandate Challenge Headed to the Supreme Court

HHS Mandate Challenge Headed to the Supreme Court


The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, MI, late Tuesday, filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari with the Supreme Court asking for review of the HHS Mandate Challenge filed by the Law Center on behalf of Michael Potter and his natural food company, Eden Foods. Erin […]

Appeals Court Blocks HHS Mandate for Catholic Business Owners

Appeals Court Blocks HHS Mandate for Catholic Business Owners


The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked enforcement of ObamaCare’s controversial contraception mandate in the case of two Catholic business owners. Cyril and Jane Korte, who own and operate Korte & Luitjohanm Contractors, Inc., and the Grote Family, which owns and manages Grote Industries, Inc., argued that the law forces them to violate their […]

Religious Sisters File First Class-Action Lawsuit Against Controversial HHS Mandate

Religious Sisters File First Class-Action Lawsuit Against Controversial HHS Mandate


Today, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a religious order of Sisters dedicated to caring for the elderly poor (see video).  Without relief, the Little Sisters face millions of dollars in IRS fines because they cannot comply with the government’s mandate that they […]

President Obama and 'Equality'

President Obama and ‘Equality’


As all the world surely knows by now, “equality” is the ideological key to President Obama’s domestic policies. That all people are created equal, the president says, is the “most evident of truths.” Whether that’s so or not, it is unquestionably the case that you express any reservations whatsoever about equality these days at no […]

The Fluke Doctrine

The Fluke Doctrine


Sandra Fluke, the champion of free birth control for women, has reached a new low in her quest to shame the American public into believing that when it comes to promiscuity and sex, employers with well-formed consciences are badly in need of government intervention. In addition, Fluke has a serious problem with religious freedom if […]

Obama Mandate--Extermination of Religious Freedom

Obama Mandate–Extermination of Religious Freedom


The latest action from the Obama administration is but another sleight of hand designed to ignore the objections of those who have expressed concerns about providing insurance coverage to employees for birth control services while claiming that quite the opposite is true. On February 1, the Obama administration announced a “compromise” on the contraceptive mandate […]

Hobby Lobby – Crafting Religious Freedom

Hobby Lobby – Crafting Religious Freedom


As a group of crafty Catholic women, joining Pinterest was a no-brainer for many of the Catholic Sistas Ink Slingers. As an Art Major, former Catholic school art teacher, homeschool mother, and now homeschool Nana this was certainly true for me.  Therefore, this past Advent and Christmas season brought me to Hobby Lobby more times than I can count. They […]

Re-imagining Shepherds

Re-imagining Shepherds


What comes to your mind when you hear the familiar Bible passage from Luke 2:8-10, where the angels appear to the shepherds to proclaim the birth of a savior and His peace? Do you picture cute, little, cherub-faced boys and girls? Do you imagine shepherds that look like those sappy Precious Moments figurines you see […]

Question: What Can we Expect From a Second Obama Administration on the Life Issues?

Question: What Can we Expect From a Second Obama Administration on the Life Issues?


Answer: More of the Same President Barack Obama has compiled quite a record of abortion advocacy and funding since taking office in January 2009. Let’s review it, issue by issue. Supported Sex-Selection Abortion: In May, 2012, the White House announced President Obama’s opposition to a bill that would ban the use of abortion to kill […]

Conscience Rights in 15 Seconds

Conscience Rights in 15 Seconds


How would you explain the right to follow one’s conscience? It’s become a huge issue in the U.S. with the Obama administration requiring employers to pay for insurance that covers abortion and contraception. Even more directly, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Navi Pillay, has told governments that “laws and policies that impede access […]

Anti-Life Provisions of the 2010 Health Care Reform Law

Anti-Life Provisions of the 2010 Health Care Reform Law


The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Pub.L. 111-148, enacted on March 23, 2010, substantially expands funding of abortions by federal tax dollars.  Federal tax dollars, of course, are your dollars, conscripted to serve the federal government’s purposes.  This article provides the nuts and bolts of one of the several ways this will happen […]

The Story of Bill and Jill Green

The Story of Bill and Jill Green


Since the Obama administration is so fond of fictional narratives, I thought I would write one too about Bill and Jill. Bill and Jill Green are entrepreneurs. The Greens met in college studying environmental engineering. Bill and Jill immediately knew they were destined to not only marry, but change the world together. After graduating, the […]

Reply Filed in HHS Mandate Case

Reply Filed in HHS Mandate Case


The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a 22-page Reply to the Government’s opposition of its motion for a Preliminary Injunction to stop implementation of the HHS mandate.  The Law Center’s motion was filed on behalf of Legatus, a nonprofit organization of Catholic business leaders and Michigan-based Weingartz Supply Company, and its owner Daniel Weingartz.  […]

New Study: What Catholic Women Think About Contraception

New Study: What Catholic Women Think About Contraception


Mary Rice Hasson, J.D., a Fellow in the Catholic Studies Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington D.C., and director of the Women, Faith, and Culture project together with Michele M. Hill who has been active in apostolates within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, have issued a preliminary report, What Catholic Women Think About Faith, Conscience, and Contraception, in which 824 church-going Catholic women ages 18-54 […]

Eliminating People to Help People?

Eliminating People to Help People?


Can a “human-centered approach” to issues include policies with the express purpose of eliminating people? This argument is cropping up, particularly in debates over climate change and now health care. Hard-core believers of climate change have argued that a key way to reduce greenhouse gases is to reduce people. This was rejected most recently at Rio+20 when UNFPA and […]