Tag: "hospice"

Russia - "If You Want to Find God, Then Go to the Children's Hospice"

Russia – “If You Want to Find God, Then Go to the Children’s Hospice”


The first ever hospice in Russia for children with terminal illnesses is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. The project was started by the Russian Orthodox priest Aleksandr Tkachenko, who came recently to visit the international headquarters of the Catholic pastoral charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) in the town of Königstein, near […]

Euthanasia:  It’s Not Enough To Say No

Euthanasia: It’s Not Enough To Say No


On June 15, 2012, the Canadian province of British Columbia Supreme Court struck down a law prohibiting euthanasia and assisted suicide.  It won’t be long before the other provinces follow suit.  My country is on the same slippery slope as Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Oregon and Washington. Within minutes of the law being struck down, my […]