The Trainwreck: HealthCare.gov Meets The Mythical Man-Month
by E. L. Core
Why do software projects go awry?
Why do software projects go awry?
You know, when a book has endorsements from Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Scott Hahn, Kevin Vost, Marcus Grodi, and Mike Aquilina (to name a few!!), a thumbs-up from Shane Kapler is obviously superfluous. But in the spirit of “when has that ever stopped me before?” I have to share my deep appreciation of this book. The […]
I chose to review The Catholic Briefcase for three reasons. It is written by a convert, like I am. It is written by a man who successfully integrates his faith in every aspect of his life, like my husband does. When I once carried a briefcase as a career professional, but not yet a Catholic, it […]
During the season of Advent the readings at Mass include passages about John the Baptist, the humble inhabitant of the Judean desert who possessed nothing but the truth and owed no one but the God who created him. He was fearless in his preaching. He discomfited all in their complacency, but to all he gave […]
“The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. Going out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You too go […]
The modern secular world puts pressure on us to leave our faith at the office door lest we offend someone or appear to be forcing our beliefs on others. Yet we should seriously consider that our work is a vocation, a calling from God to serve others regardless of what career field we have chosen. […]
Like many of my fellow business leaders, I do my best to stay current. I embrace social media, read the latest leadership books and stay abreast of trends in the marketplace. And from a workplace perspective, there is one particular conversation topic in full discourse across the country—Generation Y in Corporate America. It should be. […]