Tag: "liturgy"

The New Roman Missal: "And with Your Spirit"

The New Roman Missal: “And with Your Spirit”


Catholics are very familiar with the parts of the Mass—perhaps too familiar. Sunday after Sunday, we recite certain words such as, “Amen…Thanks be to God…Alleluia…Holy, Holy, Holy Lord….”  These words are so ingrained that we often say them robotically, out of simple routine. Indeed, if someone poked us in the middle of the night and […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 4

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 4


We continue our reflection on the mysteries of the rosary as a means of entering more deeply into the sacred mysteries made present in Holy Mass with an examination of The Glorious Mysteries. 1. The Resurrection of the Lord And in the end of the Sabbath, when it began to dawn towards the first day […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 2

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 2


The Joyful Mysteries continued… 3. The Nativity of the Lord And it came to pass that when they were there, Mary’s days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first born son and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger: because there was no room […]

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 1

The Rosary: A Weapon of Mass Instruction, Part 1


A number of saints have described the rosary as an effective weapon for helping Christians prevail in the spiritual battle that ever rages in our midst. In fact, so great is the rosary’s power that St. Pio of Pietrelcina even went so far as to say that it’s not simply a weapon; rather, “it is […]

The Liturgical Impact of Homosexuality in the Priesthood

The Liturgical Impact of Homosexuality in the Priesthood


As debate surrounding the recently published John Jay Report (Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010) continues, more and more Catholics are coming to the unavoidable conclusion (contrary to “official findings”) that the overwhelming majority of abuse cases were directly related to homosexuality. One may further […]

Solid Food and the State of the Liturgy

Solid Food and the State of the Liturgy


“I fed you with milk, not solid food; for you were not ready for it; and even yet you are not ready, for you are still of the flesh” (1 Cor. 3:2-3). To wit, I would submit that the changes that have taken place in the sacred liturgy since the Council closed find their impetus […]

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Oh, How we Love to Celebrate!


Celebrations – those joyous affairs that offer a welcome distraction from the drudgery of everyday life; a time when the weight of worldly concerns takes a backseat to festivity and lightheartedness; a venue in which happiness is allowed to prevail, even if only for a moment, buoying the spirits of those who but surrender to […]

Liturgy Should Say: ‘We’re not in Kansas Anymore’

Liturgy Should Say: ‘We’re not in Kansas Anymore’


Last Wednesday night I had the pleasure of addressing a “Theology on Tap” gathering of young adults on the topic of how to prepare for the new English translation of the Roman Missal. During the Q&A portion of our time together I was somewhat surprised when a number of attendees wondered aloud about how the […]

Let's Practice the New Penitential Rite

Let’s Practice the New Penitential Rite


A few years ago, our pastor talked to us during homily about receiving the Eucharist reverently.  He noticed that more and more receive communion than ever before with very few being conscience of the sin in their lives.  Fewer are coming to confession, he said, yet are coming up for communion.  Sin has taken a […]

The Scoop on Holy Mass

The Scoop on Holy Mass


A couple of weeks ago a family friend (we’ll call him John) took me by surprise with an unexpected question, “Do you mind if I go to church with you on Sunday?” Mind? Are you kidding me, I thought. I was thrilled! Then came the next question — one that was entirely predictable but ended up […]

What If We Just Said ‘Pray’?

What If We Just Said ‘Pray’?


The “reform of the reform” is afoot and some folks are none too pleased. How’s that for an understatement?!    For instance, about fifteen months ago, America Magazine featured an essay by the longtime pastor of St. James Cathedral in Seattle, Fr. Michael Ryan, belittling the new English translation of the Roman Missal; accusing the bishops […]

Why The Sign of Peace is Important

Why The Sign of Peace is Important


Have you ever attended Mass angry at a member of your immediate family? And then you have to offer them peace! Thankfully, the sign of peace comes toward the end of the liturgy and I have usually calmed down somewhat by that point. Still, extending a greeting and saying those words “Peace be with you” […]

Gregorian Chant: “Pride of Place”

Gregorian Chant: “Pride of Place”


Look up “Gregorian chant” in just about any current dictionary or encyclopedia and you will see a description that says it “is the liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church.” Notice that the tense of the verb “to be” is in its present form of “is.” What Should Customarily Be? The definition doesn’t place Gregorian […]

Liturgy’s Effect on Gay “Marriage” Debate

Liturgy’s Effect on Gay “Marriage” Debate


Perhaps you’ve visited the popular weblog of the inimitable Fr. Z (AKA Fr. John Zuhlsdorf at WDTPRS.com) where one of his trademark battle cries is, “Save the liturgy, save the world!” If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. “If you throw a stone, even a pebble, into a pool it produces ripples which expand to […]

The Global Missal Dissent System

The Global Missal Dissent System


Over the past year, I’ve spoken with countless individuals – from regular lay folk to educators, deacons to bishops – about the great blessing that is coming our way in the new English translation of the Roman Missal, and it seems to me that the overwhelming majority of Catholics tend to share my enthusiasm for […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 10: The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 10: The Liturgy of the Eucharist


We continue our examination of the Liturgy of the Eucharist at the Ecce Agnus Dei: After once again receiving the Lord’s blessing, The peace of the Lord be with you always, and responding, And with your spirit, the next change that we encounter takes place when the priest elevates the Host and Chalice and says: […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 9: The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 9: The Liturgy of the Eucharist


In the final two installments of this series, we will focus our attention on the people’s parts in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, addressing each instance of change in the text as it comes. Suscipiat Dominus Shortly after the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharistic, we are encouraged to pray that our sacrifice may […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 8: The Creed

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 8: The Creed


We discover right out of the gate in the new translation that the Creed is a personal statement, Credo / I believe. Yes, we profess the faith of the Church in one voice with all of her members, but the Creed must be our own personal acceptance of that faith. And so we say, I […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 7: The Gloria

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 7: The Gloria


Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth, in the new translation becomes, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. This “new” wording represents a return to the Scriptural roots of the text (Luke 2:14) and the angels’ announcement of the Savior’s […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 6: Penitential Rite

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 6: Penitential Rite


Following the Introductory Rites, the next occurrence of change in the people’s parts of the Holy Mass occurs during the Penitential Rite, at the Confiteor, where three changes can be found. In the previous editions of the Missal we would say: I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 5: Introductory Rites

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 5: Introductory Rites


NOTE: In order to make this examination of the changes in the people’s parts of Holy Mass easier to navigate, all of the text taken from the Missal will be in italics, while the newly translated text (where changes are found) will be in bold italics. During the Introductory Rites when the priest says The […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 4: Active Participation

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 4: Active Participation


The widespread misunderstanding of “active participation” in the sacred liturgy has undoubtedly been one of the most disruptive forces in Catholic life after Vatican II. It is no surprise, therefore, that this has often been the subject of recent papal instruction. In his 2007 apostolic exhortation on the Eucharist, Sacramentum Caritatis, Pope Benedict XVI said, […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 3: Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Signs

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 3: Sacred Liturgy, Sacred Signs


Fully conscious and active participation. This is a phrase that has been invoked so often over the last four decades that it can almost be considered a mantra, and not without good reason. After all, it is according to the council the “aim to be considered before all else” in the matter of liturgical reform […]

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 2: Constructing a Solid Foundation

Preparing the Way for the Roman Missal 3rd Edition, Part 2: Constructing a Solid Foundation


I’m sure that you’re anxious to explore the new prayers and responses contained in the forthcoming English translation of the Roman Missal, but before we delve into the text itself, it’s important for us to take the time to construct a solid foundation upon which our understanding may rest, and it is easily constructed of […]