Tag: "love"

Terrifying Love

Terrifying Love


Once, love was too heavy a word to be uttered casually at random people and objects. Once, love was the object of contemplation by the wisest and keenest philosophers. Once, the subject of love was tread upon very carefully lest it would catch fire. Nowadays the word and the concept of love have been reduced […]

Deciphering Love

Deciphering Love


“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa   “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato   “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland The concept […]

Extreme Christianity

Extreme Christianity


I fancy myself a Christian. I was baptized Catholic and have practiced the faith over fifty years. I’m convinced I will need a lifetime of practice to make any noteworthy progress. My love for the Lord is deep. Teaching, writing, and talking about God, His love for humanity, and the necessity to be authentic witnesses, […]

Pope Francis' <em>Amoris Laetitia</em> Praises Faithful and Forgiving Love

Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia Praises Faithful and Forgiving Love


Reading the full text of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia, I experienced the odd sensation that the Pope and I must have been poring over the same exact Church documents for the past two years. The themes of faithfulness, personal freedom, fruitfulness, and total gift of self are woven throughout the Pope’s exhortation, and of course […]

Christmas Time Out of Time

Christmas Time Out of Time


My five year old daughter and I were playing a guitar duet together. On just one guitar: I fingered the chords, she strummed the strings. While she strummed, she made-up her own lyrics. This is a regular activity for us, and even without guitar accompaniment she loves to “write her own songs.” On the day […]

dating, marriage, love

In Defense Of “Soul Mates”


It has been said that: Real love is not all feelings. Real love takes work. Real love requires choosing your beloved on a daily basis.  These are all statements that I believe to be true. But, can I let you in on a little secret? I believe in soul mates. And [thankfully], I believe that I […]

Let's Fall in Love

Let’s Fall in Love


Some things make you feel just a little more alive. Hearing a moving song. Helping someone in need. Reading words that make you cry. Seeing a sunset splash the sky with breath-taking colors. And the feeling is multiplied immeasurably if you are sharing those experiences with someone special. Indeed, love completes us as human beings. […]

Transforming Prayer for Married Couples

Transforming Prayer for Married Couples


If someone told you that there was something you could do for as little as five minutes per day to virtually assure that your marriage would last unto death, wouldn’t you do it? Well this is it! Pray together daily. Marriage is not a couple, but a trinity. The third person is God. We need […]

Lemons and Moons, or "How to Love"

Lemons and Moons, or “How to Love”


When my grief counselor asked me to explain why I felt the loss of my mother so acutely, I couldn’t come up with my own language for it. It was all so natural and obvious to me. She was my mother! But not everyone has a mother like my mother, I learned, so first we had […]

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The High Price of Not Putting Out


Dear Anthony, I’ve had it with men!  Once again, I have been rejected by a guy because I would not have sex with him, and made it clear (after his many attempts) that I’m not that kind of girl and it’s not going to happen until I’m married.  It never fails.  Things are going great […]

Loving The Unlovable

Loving The Unlovable


On social media as in your dining room or your workplace, you are guaranteed to encounter people who test your patience. We are, as Catholics, commanded to love all people. There is no exclusion in Scripture or Tradition for jerks. There is no asterisk that features an addendum explaining that I am not required to […]

<i>Journey of Our Love: The Letters of St. Gianna and Pietro Molla</i>

Journey of Our Love: The Letters of St. Gianna and Pietro Molla


St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a popular saint, not only because she was so profoundly pro-life as to give up her own life in order to save her unborn child, but also because she was a modern woman and a working mother. She is someone mothers of today can relate to and aspire to imitate […]

Lust, Love, and Demons: A Review of <em>Tobit's Dog</em>

Lust, Love, and Demons: A Review of Tobit’s Dog


The Biblical story of Tobit’s marriage to Sarah, whose previous seven husbands had been slain by demons, has been cleverly reimagined in a new novel (released April 2014 by Ignatius Press) called Tobit’s Dog, by Michael N. Richard. The novel is set in the backwoods of Depression-era North Carolina. The plight of blacks in the […]

Celebrating Divorce

Celebrating Divorce


“Life is Difficult.” With those three opening words of profound truth, M. Scott Peck began a self-help revolution in his classic, The Road Less Traveled. It is really a provocative opening line for a book, a statement of the incredibly obvious, and yet a revelation. As one of the central institutions of civilization marriage, too, […]

In All the Wrong Places

In All the Wrong Places


A single mom had an interview for a reality TV show in the UK. The channel was interested in hiring her until they found out she was pregnant. What goes through her mind? That she “has to” have an abortion to get the job. She naively talked about her job opportunity and her decision to […]

Mercy and the Truth Are Not Incompatible

Mercy and the Truth Are Not Incompatible


Some weeks ago a group of young people, in their late 20s and early 30s, began showing up on the sidewalk in front of a local abortion facility where I and dozens of other pro life witnesses from Catholics United for Life have done sidewalk counseling for many years. They are an energetic bunch, full […]

 God Hates Divorce, but He Loves the Divorced

God Hates Divorce, but He Loves the Divorced


I watched a thirty-seven year marriage end. It was a tragedy for everyone involved. The husband’s infidelities came to light and his wife was overwhelmed by deep and justifiable feelings of betrayal and grief.  She was an emotional wreck: One moment she was shouting and stomping around her house, the next moment she was sad […]

Five Christian Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day

Five Christian Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day


I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I’m not the most sentimental person around so I have always found the day to be not much more than a trite, commercialized excuse to sell greeting cards.  But like most things in life, there are always deeper Gospel connections than what we see on the surface. […]

Loving God When Our Children Suffer

Loving God When Our Children Suffer


When we mothers see our children suffering, the slip off the cliffs of despair can be easy. When Pope Francis tells us, “Let us never lose trust in the patience and mercy of God” (April 7, 2013), the trust doesn’t exactly overflow. Mercy would be nice, Lord; how about a cure please. But we are commanded […]

Why Would My Ex-boyfriend Try to Ruin My Reputation?

Why Would My Ex-boyfriend Try to Ruin My Reputation?


Dear Anthony, I decided to give in and accept his interest in being more than friends, and we started dating.  Long story short, it didn’t work out and we lost our friendship as well, which I’m still trying to get over.  But what I have to deal with even more is the shock that this […]

Desiring Heaven Where Love is Complete

Desiring Heaven Where Love is Complete


I remember sitting with my father in a boat on the middle of a still prairie lake. It was August of 1969 and I was sixteen years old. A cool mist rose from the surface of the lake that August morning. Fishing was good just after sunrise and so there we sat still half-asleep, casting our […]

Refinding Fidelity

Refinding Fidelity


These days, it seems we all know young couples who are living together— a friend, perhaps, or even a son or daughter. With cohabitation so common, living together hardly causes “scandal” anymore. In fact, when a government study found last year that 48% of young women cohabited with a partner as a first union, one […]

Why I Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin

Why I Love the Sinner and Hate the Sin


I recently read an article on Huffington Post entitled “Why I Can’t Say ‘Love the Sinner/Hate the Sin’ Anymore.” The author, Micah Murray, is obviously a very caring individual, and I understand where he is coming from. He hates the idea that we would see gays – or anyone – as someone substandard, someone who is “other” […]

Spice Up Your Advent with “Driveway Dating”

Spice Up Your Advent with “Driveway Dating”


It’s that time of year again. It always seems to creep up on me, no matter how much I think I’m prepared. We had a peaceful start: we set up the Advent tree and wreath, and have even managed to start most mornings off with prayer and lighting the wreath. But I know that even […]