Tag: "married love"

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How to Celebrate St. Valentine’s Day Like Adults


Men, you are being bombarded with advertising telling you that your wife would love to have a Teddy Bear for Valentine’s Day.  Here is a little flowchart to help you decide if you should get your wife a Teddy Bear.

Reverencing our Spouses

Reverencing our Spouses


Some years back, Mark and I visited with friends of ours, an older couple for whom we had great admiration. Dick and Pat showed near perfect complementarity, worked like a team, and had a way of disagreeing without actually disagreeing. This couple had a way of filling the room with peace and joyful energy at […]

Attachment in Human Love

Attachment in Human Love


Love between a man and a woman is one of the most beautiful things in the world. But what happens when the love you share with that person becomes the most important thing in your life? There is nothing more natural than wanting to be loved. We need it. We need it from our parents […]

What is True Love?

What is True Love?


This week a lot of tokens of affection were exchanged. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. I’m not going to begrudge anyone their cards, candy, and flowers. There’s even a time and place for diamonds. I’m quite fond of gifts that involve chocolate myself! But, it is important to realize that love, true love, […]

Christopher West Refines His Answers, But Questions Remain

Christopher West Refines His Answers, But Questions Remain


At the Heart of the Gospel, the new book by Christopher West, is the fruit of West’s sabbatical from speaking after controversy broke following a television interview. West’s new book is primarily two things. First, it’s a summary of the main points of West’s lectures and writings over the years. West takes a deep breath, […]

Love Notes: A Catechesis for Marriage on the Brink

Love Notes: A Catechesis for Marriage on the Brink


The king of love my shepherd is, whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his, and he is mine forever. -From “The King of Love my Shepherd Is” by Henry Williams Baker Marriage is an image of Christ and His bride, the Church. It is a sanctuary for love, for the bringing […]




At Adoration yesterday, deep in thought with Christ, I noticed gleaming shine from two places catching my sight.  One was the monstrance, where the Holy Eucharist was displayed; the other was on my own hand. My wedding band seemed to match the golden monstrance made to enhance and protect Christ’s Body in the humble form of bread. […]

Best Friend or Baby?

Best Friend or Baby?


Dogs are often given the title “man’s best friend.” I get that. However, a new title has surfaced which turns one’s dog from friend to family. These days people address their dogs as “baby.” Last December, I received a Christmas card in the mail with someone’s dog in the spotlight posing as Santa. Cute? Sure… […]

Husband's Day

Husband’s Day


Father’s Day is a day for honoring fathers. But I would like to take a step back and honor men as husbands. In our enlightened, liberated era, we have a tendency to overlook men as husbands, since the father is so often not the husband of the mother. But without some kind of connection between […]

The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story: Part Six, Daniel Meola

The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story: Part Six, Daniel Meola


Presented in cooperation with Greg Schlueter and JP2Journey.com: The JP2 Generation Tells Its Story, remembering World Youth Day 2002 and the impact of Pope John II. Part Six, Daniel Meola “What is man, that thou are mindful of him?” (Ps. 8:4). These words come to my mind every time I think of World Youth Day […]

The Forty-Day Challenge: From Ashes to Resurrected Love

The Forty-Day Challenge: From Ashes to Resurrected Love


Last Wednesday was “Ash Wednesday,” when Catholics and other Christians receive ashes on their foreheads as a sign of penitence (Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent). I’d had over 700 hits on the 40-Day Challenge. It seems there are many women who think their marriage needs a “faith lift”! Several women left comments […]

News Flash! Marriage is HARD

News Flash! Marriage is HARD


This week I’ve been reading Christopher West’s Heaven’s Song, an unforgettable reflection on marriage as a metaphor for the perfect union God longs to have with us.  When I reached a section called “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Becoming ‘One Flesh,” I was so struck by the boldfaced truth of one passage, I had […]