Tag: "morning-after pill"

 Federal Judge Approves Plan B for Over the Counter at Any Age

Federal Judge Approves Plan B for Over the Counter at Any Age


It is difficult to imagine that any public official could possibly march to the left of Barack Obama or HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, but last week Federal District Court Judge Edward Korman did just that when he approved the sale of Plan B to children of any age. Previously, Sebelius ordered that based on the […]

What Is MIssing From Our Conversation About the Morning After Pill

What Is MIssing From Our Conversation About the Morning After Pill


On February 21 it was reported that the German Bishops of Trier released a statement announcing that emergency contraception known as the “Morning-after Pill” (MAP) can be used in cases of rape if it does not induce abortion. Politically progressive readers heard this news and rallied around these bishops for conceding to the use of […]

German Bishops “Approve” a Morning-After Pill that Does Not Exist

German Bishops “Approve” a Morning-After Pill that Does Not Exist


Catholic hospitals and physicians in Germany left out in the cold by a decision that ignores science According to a new statement by the German Bishops’ Conference, Catholic physicians and hospitals can now prescribe and administer the morning-after pill (MAP) in cases where a woman is a victim of sexual assault as long as it does […]

Germany, the Morning-After Pill, and the Catholic Church

Germany, the Morning-After Pill, and the Catholic Church


A drama has been unfolding in Germany over the last month that has seen the leading conservative prelate in the country, Cologne’s Cardinal Joachim Meisner, seem to suggest that it is permissible in Catholic hospitals to administer the morning-after pill (MAP) to rape victims. The Bishops of Germany will be discussing the matter further at […]

A Shocking Dose of Sanity from the HHS

A Shocking Dose of Sanity from the HHS


Plan B (also known as the morning-after pill) was approved by the FDA at the end of the Clinton administration in 1999. Since 2009, it has been available behind the pharmacy counter without prescription for women 17 years of age and older.  This week, the FDA considered a request from Plan B manufacturer Teva Pharmaceuticals […]