Tag: "Moses"

Does the Slaughter of Innocents Bear a Witness?

Does the Slaughter of Innocents Bear a Witness?


I’ve noticed that before a colossal spiritual event in history, a slaughter of innocent children occurs. Satan seems to know something is about to happen and strikes out at the most innocent of God’s image bearers. Prior to the birth of Moses, Pharaoh ordered the mass murder of all baby boys (Exodus 1:15-22). At the time […]

Movie Review: <em>Exodus: Gods and Kings</em>

Movie Review: Exodus: Gods and Kings


Exodus–the story of Moses–proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that atheists make the best Bible movies (see my review of Noah). I don’t know that atheists necessarily make the best contemporary movies about faith or people of faith, but they certainly do the oldies well. Perhaps this is in part because they mine an […]

Paul and Moses at the Shore of the Red Sea

Paul and Moses at the Shore of the Red Sea


There is certain work of Christian literature written c. AD 190 that tells the story of how Saint Paul baptized a lion.  By the power of God Paul tamed the animal, baptized him by immersion, and claimed the creature for Christ.            “I, Paul, en route to Jericho, accompanied by two pious women, was confronted by […]

A Lesson on Birth Control from… Moses?

A Lesson on Birth Control from… Moses?


I recently renewed a friendship with a long-lost high school friend on Facebook and was surprised by her rather liberal views on politics and religion.  After all, we had both attended a Catholic high school, although she is Episcopalian.  At first, I thought that perhaps I should move on as our world views were so […]