Tag: "North Dakota"

Sugar-Coating Abortion

Sugar-Coating Abortion


Remember the days when pregnant women were told it was just a clump of cells and not a baby? Who wouldn’t mind getting rid of a clump of something? Then, sonograms were invented and revealed stages of fetal development and well, what the heck, it turns out there were babies in there. Who knew? The […]

Why I Should Move to North Dakota

Why I Should Move to North Dakota


I don’t have a paying job at this time, but I am very busy. Even though I no longer homeschool and my girls are over ten, my house is messy. I spend most of my day on Facebook and Twitter. Why? Christina, my daughter, is growing up in a world where no one invites her […]

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill


[CL Editor’s note: This article analyzes in detail an action that took place in North Dakota in April. Though very lengthy and extremely detailed, it deserves careful attention from all pro-lifers who are involved with state legislation. It illustrates how vital is the grasp of every nuance of how legistlatures work, and that very careful debriefing and dissection of […]

Was Chief Sitting Bull a Catholic?

Was Chief Sitting Bull a Catholic?


Was Chief Sitting Bull a Catholic convert?  Did he convert William “Buffalo Bill” Cody?  That was the scuttlebutt around Catholic circles this past week.  From stories, to blogging, to Catholic radio shows, to postings from Facebook friends, I heard it multiple times. As a student of the Old West, having read numerous accounts of Sitting […]