Tag: "parenting"

Study Shows Homosexual Parenting Not Equal to Heterosexual Marriage

Study Shows Homosexual Parenting Not Equal to Heterosexual Marriage


A groundbreaking study reveals that adult children of homosexual and lesbian parents experience far greater negative social, economic and emotional outcomes than children raised within intact biological families. The quality of University of Texas professor Mark Regnerus’ study highlights the deficiencies of previous studies that homosexual advocates have relied on to grant same-sex couples a right to […]

Summer Family Fun and Fitness

Summer Family Fun and Fitness


Summertime offers the perfect opportunity to get outside as a family and make exercise a fun experience. By taking part in physical activity together, you will be helping your children learn that fitness is about doing what you enjoy and doesn’t have to be a chore or involve a lot of time, expense and fancy […]

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Somewhere, in the recesses of my consciousness, I was aware that it was morning. But the drug of sleep was heavy upon me… and I didn’t much care. My head was lead on my pillow and my face turned away from the alarm clock. Even if I had seen the time… even if it had […]

A Life Lesson I Learned from Homeschoolers

A Life Lesson I Learned from Homeschoolers


I homeschooled my six children from kindergarten through 12th grade.  In the beginning, we were very structured.  I enrolled my children with a homeschool program that had once been a school. I spent my life monitoring them doing their “schoolwork”.  Watching them produce this much schoolwork ( some of it ‘busy work’) every quarter, every […]

How to Positively Influence Your Young Adult Son- (without bugging him too much)

How to Positively Influence Your Young Adult Son- (without bugging him too much)


Recently, I’ve had opportunity to talk with several moms who have sons nearing or at young adult age. (Let’s say around the ages of 17-22) The mothers have asked me how we have handled influencing our late teen and young adult sons and how to do so that the sons will listen. In one instance, […]

Confirming the Last Mohican

Confirming the Last Mohican


Unbelievable. Tonight, our youngest child will be confirmed – our last Mohican. This is the last “big” sacrament we’ll celebrate as Fenelon Clan. Of course, receiving the holy Eucharist is a major celebration every single time we receive Him, and receiving the sacrament of Penance should simply delight us each time we’re reconciled, but I […]

To Fit In or Not to Fit In? Developing Friendships

To Fit In or Not to Fit In? Developing Friendships


There is a dichotomy in this question or quest, if you will. “Fitting in” calls for a person to make a choice of accepting a set of ideals that belong to a certain group of people in the community. These set of ideals should match those of oneself to truly fit in. These ideals should […]


The Little-Known Talent of the Alpaca


We took our kids to a petting zoo where the highlight of the visit was the alpaca grazing area. There were several families with us looking over the fence. Then my six-year-old son, noticing a soccer ball in the middle of the field exclaimed, “I didn’t know alpacas played soccer!” There were laughs all around. […]

"Runner" Introduces Mother to Son’s World

“Runner” Introduces Mother to Son’s World


For as well as I know my only son, I never really understood him until I read John L. Parker Jr.’s Once a Runner. Often called the “definitive running story,” Once a Runner, published in 1978, remains a cult classic for those whose identities are defined by the sport of running. Through the tale of […]

Parenting is a Lifelong Endeavor

Parenting is a Lifelong Endeavor


Have you seen the U.S. Department of State’s definition and legislation for legal adulthood? The DOS website states: “When a child reaches the age of 18, they [sic] become a full legal adult in most U.S. localities. That may not be the case in overseas environments, where the age for acquiring adult status under another […]


Where Did That Thing Come From?


My two-year-old was beyond ready to get down from her high chair. As she was  kicking her legs in protest of her confinement, she noticed one foot pop momentarily into view above her tray. Her yelling stopped. Slowly, she lifted her foot into view once more and said, “I seeeee youuuu!” View the original post […]

<i>Catholic Family Fun</i>

Catholic Family Fun


As parents, we have so many responsibilities when it comes to our children. We need to feed, clothe, and nurture them. We need to raise them in the faith and make sure that they are educated. But in the midst of all those responsibilities, it is also important to have fun as a family. Moments […]

<i>Beyond the Birds and the Bees</i> by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak

Beyond the Birds and the Bees by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak


For the past few months, I’ve had the great pleasure of a biweekly radio chat with Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, Directors of the Pastoral Solutions Institute and authors of Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids. As a major fan of Dr. Greg and Lisa’s work, their writing, and […]

Just a Minute?

Just a Minute?


As I pulled out of the high school parking lot yesterday after dropping off my daughter, I noticed a long line of cars waiting to turn in.  Blinking turn signals flickered in the early morning light and I couldn’t help but notice how the traffic had exploded since the time I had arrived. My daughter […]


A Politician in the Making


When I was a kid, I got in trouble almost daily. I often was sent home from school with notes from the teacher, informing my parents about my latest crimes. One day, I had to deliver a note to my parents from my fifth grade teacher that stated I was constantly disrupting her class and […]

A Muddled Maundy Thursday

A Muddled Maundy Thursday


I try so hard to have faith, but I have never figured out the best way to take kids to Mass. I mean, on the one hand, there’s the Real Presence, and taking your children to see the Miracle that redeems mankind is unquestionably of utmost importance. But on the other hand, there’s the mental […]

<i>Catholic Digest</i>: A New Look at an Old Favorite

Catholic Digest: A New Look at an Old Favorite


I grew up reading Catholic Digest. I was one of those children who would pick up and read anything that was lying around the house, and it was a magazine that my parents subscribed to. Honestly, I don’t remember all that much about the articles. I’m guessing that, as a child, many of them probably […]


Taking Hand-Me-Downs to a Whole New Level


My second oldest, Sebastian, always gets his older brother Ezra’s hand-me-downs. One day I was telling them that in heaven  we won’t need our earthly bodies, but will get new heavenly bodies. Immediately, with a look of disgust, Sebastian said, “Am I just going to get Ezra’s old one?” -Drea, mother of 4.

“You don’t work? I could never stay home and do nothing”

“You don’t work? I could never stay home and do nothing”


I was at a cocktail party with my husband. “You don’t work?,” one woman said with pity in her voice, “ I could never stay at home and do nothing.” Do nothing? Really? I had to giggle. This woman obviously didn’t know my bursting-at-the-seams life of cleaning and cooking, gardening, driving, loving, meal planning, shopping, learning, writing, […]

Prove Jesus Isn't a Fairy Tale

Prove Jesus Isn’t a Fairy Tale


Santa Claus? Check. Easter Bunny? Check. Tooth Fairy? Check. Even Leprechauns. My 5-year-old believes in all these things. Yet last Sunday on the drive to Mass she announced: “I don’t think Jesus is real. I think he’s made up.” Wwwhat?! I thought I had till at least 10 or 12 before that started (or what […]


Quit Fooling, Mom. What’s Really Going On?


My children were really amusing me. And I mean that with the utmost sarcasm. “Who’s coming over?” one asked. “No one,” I said. “Then why are you doing that?” “What do you mean? I do this all the time!” I said. “Oh, we’re having company?” chimed in another. “No!” I said firmly. “Yeah, right. Who […]

How to Homeschool Your Preschool Child

How to Homeschool Your Preschool Child


A new homeschooler recently asked me, “How do you homeschool a preschooler?”  Time was, keeping a child home for his or her preschool years was a perfectly normal thing to do. Children went to school when they were five (or even six!) and somehow still managed to learn to read and write and maintain friendships. […]

‘Why?’ of Ohio Tragedy Deeper than ‘Bullying’

‘Why?’ of Ohio Tragedy Deeper than ‘Bullying’


If you get a text from your teenager in the middle of the school day, something’s wrong. It might be something minor, like a paper forgotten on the printer at home or gym clothes left sitting in the back hall, with a request to deliver them to the office if possible. It might be more […]


I Hope You Appreciate This, Lady.


I sent my six-year-old daughter to deliver some lemons and oranges from our yard to the widow next door. Worried that she might rudely deliver the fruit and leave without a word, I called to her, “Don’t forget to say, ‘You’re welcome.’” When my daughter returned, she gave me the full report: “I rang the […]