Tag: "prayer"

Mommy, Why Do We Pray?

Mommy, Why Do We Pray?


“Mommy, why do we pray?” That seems like an easy question to answer, but I wanted to give her something to hang on to later in life. Satan tempts us not to pray. Someday she may feel she doesn’t have time to pray, she may be too hurt, angry, or afraid to pray, or she […]

Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for Moms

Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for Moms


Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruits of the Holy Spirit. These include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control. It seems that as mothers, we can use an extra helping of each of these. Dear Holy Spirit, Please help me to love my children even when it is hard: when it is 2 […]

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God


“Forgive me, Father, for I have worried.” Even when I’m behind the screen, I am sure that my priest knows that it’s me – that parishioner with N.A.P.S. (Nutty, Anxious Parent Syndrome). Worrying is my hobby. I worry about the economy, politics and toy recalls. I practically obsess over germs and the weather, especially during […]

Book Review: <i>Dear God, I Don't Get It</i>

Book Review: Dear God, I Don’t Get It


Dear God, I Don’t Get It by Patti Maguire Armstrong Liguori Publications, 2013 Why does God answer some prayers and not others? This is a question that plagues even adults. Sometimes, we pray so hard and think we know what God should do in our lives. And then, God does something else or He does […]

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year


Do you think you would benefit spiritually by spending thirty hours in prayer and meditation?  Yeah, right, you are likely thinking.  Where would I find time for that? I’m a very busy mother. Motherhood has its ironies.  When we are pregnant and feel the need to “rest up,” sleep is often hard to come by.  […]

The Secret to Life

The Secret to Life


I wish I could say that I said prayers with my children every morning, prayed the rosary with them every day, and remembered nightly prayers at bedtime. I know I should have this routine, but time passes and before I know it each day, breakfast is served and cleared (okay, well not always cleared) school […]

Hearing God’s Voice: A Guide to Prayer and Discernment

Hearing God’s Voice: A Guide to Prayer and Discernment


Last year, I helped teach high school students at my parish’s faith formation program in St. Ignace, Michigan. We took the students to exposition, and afterward, one of them asked me how to tell when she is hearing God’s voice. This is an edited version of the letter I wrote her. Dear M., I’m glad […]

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Balance: Gratitude and Grace-Filled


As the mother of two lively boys, athletic boys, theater-loving boys, exploring boys, immersed-in-everything boys, I am forever seeking. Forever balancing. Forever juggling. Forever discerning. Activity versus stillness. Sound versus silence. Society versus solitude. I still, now for fleeting moments, still, have a measure of control over the feeling, the tenor, the rhythm of my […]

Pope Francis' First Angelus Address

Pope Francis’ First Angelus Address


On Sunday, March 17th, 2013, Pope Francis delivered the first Angelus address of his pontificate.  Given that he spoke before and after a Marian prayer, the Angelus, one should not be surprised that Our Lady was invoked in some way. He shared three pertinent things regarding Mary. 1.  Pope Francis relayed the story of an […]

Glad You Asked

Glad You Asked


“Why do you bring God into every conversation?” This simple question was posed to me recently by someone I love dearly. Let me attempt to explain. How do you not bring the Author of Life into life itself? How can I speak of the reason for my joy, my hope, my strength without naming its […]

Consecration to Mary

Consecration to Mary


He approached from the far side of the table taking the seat next to mine and posed this question, “How did I know that Mary really interceded in my life and could the blessings I encountered really be possible?” Perhaps, I could give him some “concrete examples?” I had just finished giving a little personal […]

Child-Like Faith

Child-Like Faith


I teach the First Communion class at my parish in a large room in the basement of the church.  For safety reasons, I ask the parents to come downstairs after class and pick up their child.  I tell the kids that if they don’t see their parent, they have to stay with me and we’ll […]

Lenten Resources for the Whole Family

Lenten Resources for the Whole Family


Oftentimes the seasons of Lent and Advent are filled with our good intentions about what we will do, what we will read, and the changes we will make in our daily lives. The weeks stretch out ahead of us and we begin with great plans and an eagerness to experience the holy season in a […]

Guard Your Heart

Guard Your Heart


“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” – Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life” – NLT “With closest custody, guard your heart, for in it are the sources of life” – NAB “Keep your heart with all vigilance, […]

Chicken Little

Chicken Little


I had an odd response to the 2012 presidential election: I stopped watching the news. I also stopped reading the news on the Internet. In fact, not a single television show appealed to me and the blackened screen simply became a piece of ubiquitous furniture in the center of the room. At that point I […]

Father, Forgive Us

Father, Forgive Us


My initial response to the outcome of the election was visceral. Fixing my eyes on the heavens, tears pouring down my cheeks, I searched for answers in the night sky. I did a lot of praying for this election. Issues that should abhor any God-fearing human didn’t seem to sway, move or even nudge the […]

Silence Amid Chaos

Silence Amid Chaos


I attended a half-day Advent conference entitled The Silence of Mary.  The morning was a much needed retreat from the maddening rush and noise of a city caught up in pre-Christmas frenzy.  It was also the day after the horrific school shooting in Connecticut and the stabbing of 22 school children and one elderly woman […]

Letting God Find You

Letting God Find You


Before my feet touched the floor on January 1st, 2012, I offered a simple prayer: Please Lord, before the year is over, find me where you want me to be. Up to that point, I had been suffering from a decades-long chronic condition and although I imagined health in my future, that morning I offered every […]

Becoming a Holy Family

Becoming a Holy Family


“As for me and my household, we shall serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 “What does it mean to be a holy family?”  I asked my second grade First Communion class.  Most of the eager young hands in the room went up. “Be nice.” “Obey your parents.” “Do the 10 Commandments.” “Pray.” “Good answers,” I encouraged […]

Six Ways to Make Time to Pray

Six Ways to Make Time to Pray


Got prayer? We don’t always make time for it as we should, but as with all good habits, real change and real growth in the spiritual life comes with practice. Here are six simple practices that will increase your prayer time. Don’t attempt them all. Do the one or two that appeal to you, and […]

Tree of Souls: A Way to Remember and Pray

Tree of Souls: A Way to Remember and Pray


The highest-grossing movie of all time, Avatar,features a giant willow-like tree that represents the center of culture and religion for the Na’vi inhabitants of the planet Pandora. The tree has extreme spiritual significance because it allows the Na’vi to communicate directly with their Mother Goddess, Eywa. It also allows them to connect at the same […]

A Pro-Life Nurse Asks "Why?"

A Pro-Life Nurse Asks “Why?”


40 Days for Life ends on November 4, 2012. Since the first 40 Days for Life 4 years ago in my city, my family and I have participated in the prayer vigil.  We haven’t been as dedicated as the daily prayer warriors but we have committed to praying at the vigil site once or twice […]

Prayer Can Move Mountains – Or Churches

Prayer Can Move Mountains – Or Churches


When my wife and I were dating, she would travel quite a bit as a part of her job. On one occasion, we had a conversation about whether she would be able to attend Mass on Ash Wednesday during her travels. She explained that where they stayed in the city she was going to, there […]

40 Days for Life - What You Can Do

40 Days for Life – What You Can Do


The Scripture readings for this week remind us of the value of life. Psalm 54 emphasizes “The Lord upholds my life.” God is the author and provider of life. Without God, our heart would never pulse a single beat nor would we ever take a single breath. He alone has the right to choose when […]