Tag: "privacy"

Big Brother is Watching You

Big Brother is Watching You


Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last month or so, chances are you’ve heard the latest revelations regarding the NSA’s unlawful invasion of American citizens’ privacy. According to the Washington Post, “The National Security Agency has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year since Congress granted […]

Why Leakers Do It

Why Leakers Do It


Why do leakers do it? Probably many Americans have asked that question lately, moved by the cases of Edward Snowden, the security contractor who spilled the beans about government surveillance of phone calls and electronic communication, and Bradley Manning, the army private who leaked documents allegedly showing American blundering in Iraq. In passing, it’s easier […]

Parental Responsibility Trumps Child's Privacy

Parental Responsibility Trumps Child’s Privacy


To: Marybeth From: Message-reading Mom My daughter’s smartphone buzzed when she was out of the room. I picked it up to see who was texting her and was puzzled by the message that previewed on the screen, so I read the entire exchange. What I discovered concerned me. When I talked to her about it, […]