Tag: "pro-life"

Bishop: Memory of Holocaust Should Inspire Greater Vigilance for Unborn

Bishop: Memory of Holocaust Should Inspire Greater Vigilance for Unborn


The memory of the Holocaust should inspire Christians to greater vigilance on behalf of the unborn and the vulnerable, remarked a U.K. bishop at an address commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day on Nov. 24th. Warning that “no Christian can pass by the Holocaust without profound reflection,” Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury observed that mass crimes and […]

Pelosi Blasts Catholics on Abortion: They ‘Have This Conscience Thing’

Pelosi Blasts Catholics on Abortion: They ‘Have This Conscience Thing’


Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi blasted Catholics for fighting for the right not to perform or fund abortions, describing their abhorrence for supporting abortions as “this conscience thing,” in remarks to the Washington Post. Last month, during a debate in the House over a bill to stop abortion funding in the health care […]

Personhood Begins when Life Begins

Personhood Begins when Life Begins


Most news reports about Mississippi’s proposed “personhood amendment” have cast the measure’s pro-life sponsors as the aggressors in a brand-new phase of the abortion wars, one in which abortion opponents rely on clever linguistic tricks to launch an unprecedented attack on abortion rights. That storyline omits one important fact: Abortion-rights advocates are the ones who […]

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life

Welcoming the New Mass for Human Life


With the start of Advent, Catholics begin using a new translation of the Mass. Along with this there are two brand new texts for a Mass “For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life.” This is the result of a long process that actually started with Cardinal John O’Connor of New York […]

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work


General George S. Patton, Jr., in his 1926 essay, “The Secret of Victory,” wrote, “The secret of victory lies not wholly in knowledge. It lurks invisible in that vitalizing spark, intangible, yet as evident as the lightning — the warrior soul. The fixed determination to acquire the warrior soul, and having acquired it to either […]

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill

ND State Senate Deception Aborts Human Life Bill


[CL Editor’s note: This article analyzes in detail an action that took place in North Dakota in April. Though very lengthy and extremely detailed, it deserves careful attention from all pro-lifers who are involved with state legislation. It illustrates how vital is the grasp of every nuance of how legistlatures work, and that very careful debriefing and dissection of […]

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Let the Youth Teach Us about Pro-life


I often point out that our youth are not simply the “future leaders” of the pro-life movement. They are leaders here and now, in more ways than one. Often I am asked to speak about the role of youth in the pro-life movement, and to encourage parishes and pro-life organizations to focus more on recruiting […]

Pro-life Youth Create Cautious Hope for the Future

Pro-life Youth Create Cautious Hope for the Future


At the 38th March for Life, we saw thousands of high school and college students, young seminarians, young religious sisters and families with young children.