Tag: "Prophet"

Amos:  The Lion of God's Salvation

Amos: The Lion of God’s Salvation


The prophet hears what God proclaims ) and is called to speak in God’s name. The Twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to preach the gospel. In him we have been chosen to be full of love. The Scriptures often illustrate how God calls ordinary people and empowers them to accomplish great things. The prophet Amos […]

Why Confirmation?

Why Confirmation?


 In this column I have frequently referenced findings about the dismal way in which many Catholics look at the sacraments.  I think the problem is more than just the usual ranting and ravings about a liberal church, how horrible things are after Vatican II, true as all these clichés are.  Instead the problem stems from […]

Applying Jeremiah to Our Modern Jeremiads

Applying Jeremiah to Our Modern Jeremiads


Have you heard about how America is an evil nation, opposed to God, and destined to be judged? Or how about how rotten the majority of the Catholic Church is for its lack of fidelity to the Gospel, and how God will judge them for that?