Tag: "reconciliation"

Make Family Reconciliation an Advent Tradition

Make Family Reconciliation an Advent Tradition


It is 1535 London.  The prior of the Carthusian monks at the London Charterhouse tries to prepare his brothers for a coming persecution, martyrdom for many of them.  The Prior, John Houghton exhorts his brother Carthusians to prepare their hearts by a general confession to God, and gives leave that every one should choose any […]

Eyelash to Eyelash with God

Eyelash to Eyelash with God


Whenever I show anyone a picture of my beautiful, bouncing baby boy, inevitably one of the first three things they say is, “Oh my goodness, his eyelashes are so long!” (The other two are some variation of “Wow, he’s big!” and “He is so handsome!” I’m not biased—just reporting the facts.) It’s true, his eyelashes […]

The Power of Secrets

The Power of Secrets


We all walk around with secrets. I’m not sure if I should thank God for that aspect of human nature. Some of them are good secrets. They remain unspoken for a variety of reasons. Perhaps we’re afraid people might think we are foolish or unreasonable for harboring thoughts of something we can never achieve or […]

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God


“Forgive me, Father, for I have worried.” Even when I’m behind the screen, I am sure that my priest knows that it’s me – that parishioner with N.A.P.S. (Nutty, Anxious Parent Syndrome). Worrying is my hobby. I worry about the economy, politics and toy recalls. I practically obsess over germs and the weather, especially during […]

Humans as Reconcilers of Heavens and Earth

Humans as Reconcilers of Heavens and Earth


The exercise of human freedom actually defines us in selfishness or love and determines our eternal destiny.  We are a mix of both selfishness and love, but we must be fully freed of our selfishness that keeps us outside of God and the Kingdom of his Spirit.  The human will was made to abide in […]

Reconciliation: Maintenance for the Soul

Reconciliation: Maintenance for the Soul


How do you think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation? If you are like most Catholics, you probably think of it as little as possible! Or, perhaps, you think of it as something good to have available in the event you do something really, really wrong, but not something you need to concern yourself with otherwise. […]

Flipping the Fear about Preaching on Abortion

Flipping the Fear about Preaching on Abortion


Early in my work at Priests for Life a woman wrote, “I can’t help but think that if twenty years ago I heard a sermon in my Church against abortion, I would have found the strength to keep my baby instead of killing my baby.” Since then, countless women, as well as men, have said […]