Tag: "resurrection"

Thomas: Doubter, Empiricist, Apostle, Saint

Thomas: Doubter, Empiricist, Apostle, Saint


For St. John the Apostle, the empty tomb was all he needed to experience to believe in the Resurrection. But two who were later to be saints – Mary Magdalene and Thomas – began the first Easter season as nonbelievers. Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb not to assure herself that Christ is risen, but […]

The Meaning of Easter

The Meaning of Easter


To the secular world, our celebration of Easter Sunday is an odd event. In their eyes, we celebrate a corpse rising from the dead, and they really can’t figure out why.

friends, friendship

It’s the Kerygma, Stupid


Kerygma [ku-RIG-muh]: preaching of the gospel of Christ, especially in the way of the early church. That’s me. I’m the stupid one.  I might also add fumbling, unprepared, tongue-tied and more, but mostly I was stupid.  Indeed I knew better, that evening years ago, seated at the town-square café with Petra, my first friend in […]

Amazing God: He Loves Us Wretched Fools

Amazing God: He Loves Us Wretched Fools


I can’t even begin to estimate how many times I have sung “Amazing Grace.” That includes all the solo renditions in my car, sung with heart and soul. Indeed, that first verse is a wonderful prayer: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m […]

The Last Days and the Resurrection of the Dead, Part I

The Last Days and the Resurrection of the Dead, Part I


Easter, when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, will soon be upon us, so it is appropriate to reflect on that resurrection and on the one which will be given to us, as Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians. It is an article of faith for us as Catholics that we will […]

There Will Be Much Rejoicing

There Will Be Much Rejoicing


There is so much suffering. Homeless men, women and even countless children on the sidewalks of our cities. … Refugees from war-torn Syria and numerous African countries. … Immigrants fleeing dangerous circumstances in Central America and risking everything to sneak into the United States. … People whose lives are turned upside-down by drug abuse – […]

Dawn of the Living Dead

Dawn of the Living Dead


Mary Magdalene wept. Inconsolable. Bereft. Her mind raced. What’s going on here? she thought. I think I need to go lie down, put a warm towel across my forehead and drink a cup of herbal tea. Too much, too soon, too fast, and I can’t wrap my mind around it. They say it is darkest […]

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life

Our Risen Lord Gives us Strength to Build a Culture of Life


If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Romans 8:31) This exhortation by Saint Paul vividly expresses the full extent of the love of God the Father and […]

"Touch Me and See”

“Touch Me and See”


In this Octave of Easter celebration, we contemplate God the Father’s gift to us, His beautiful Son, Jesus, and the gift Jesus gave to us – His life. Consider the abundance of gifts Jesus left behind so that we would know He is still with us.  The gift of faith, which moves us to seek […]

Women are the First Communicators of the Resurrection

Women are the First Communicators of the Resurrection


Pope Francis’ General Audience for Wednesday, April 3, 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we turn to the Catechism of the Year of Faith. In the Creed we repeat this phrase: “He rose again on the third day, in accordance with the Scriptures”. This is the very event that we are celebrating: the Resurrection of […]

Easter Homily

Easter Homily


This homily was preached at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul on Easter morning, the  thirty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen. My brothers and sisters in the Risen Christ:  For the forty days known as Lent we have been on a pilgrimage, journeying with Jesus and His […]




On a November morning before dawn my wife and I, and three other people on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, followed a Franciscan priest into the small edicule that surrounds Jesus’ tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The priest was going to say Mass, and he was pleased that we could […]

Easter and Heaven

Easter and Heaven


As Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter, heaven is naturally on the minds of many. Recent polls indicate that between 75 and 90 percent of Americans believe that heaven exists, percentages that far exceed the belief by residents of other Western nations. As the author of “Heaven in the […]




The serpent’s bite was a deadly one.  The venom had worked its way deep into the heart of the entire human race, doing its gruesome work.  The anti-venom was unavailable until He appeared.  One drop was all that was needed, so potent was this antidote.  Yet it was not like Him to be stingy.  He […]




Some find it hard to accept that God would love some people more than others.  That wouldn’t be fair, they say. But God became man.  If he did not love some more than others, Jesus wouldn’t be fully human.  For human beings have family and friends.  While we can do good and even risk our […]