Tag: "soldiers"

Veterans: What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen

Veterans: What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen


In economics, the first lesson I teach my pupils is the lesson of things that are seen and things that are not seen. Actions have some effects that are readily apparent and others are overlooked or not perceived. It’s the same with our military veterans. We see the obvious price they’ve paid—the time they spent […]

<em>Lone Survivor</em>: A Tale of Horror and Heroism

Lone Survivor: A Tale of Horror and Heroism


To the extent that art really does imitate life, every American owes it to themselves and to our troops to see the blockbuster film, Lone Survivor. Panned by cynical elites as “shameless war-porn,” in reality this movie portrays the heroism and sacrifice of four members of Seal Team 10 during a mission gone bad in the mountains of […]

Tomb of the Unknowns, Arlington Cemetery, May 1943

Cultural Alert! The Disappearance of Heroes – Perception or Reality?


It is important to hold tight to our heroes.

Soldiers are People, Too

Soldiers are People, Too


I had a good dose of reality the other night. I went to a Family Readiness Briefing with our oldest son, Matt. His brigade is being deployed soon and so the National Guard arranged a meeting to inform and support the soldiers and families as they prepare. As I looked around the auditorium, I saw […]