Tag: "spiritual growth"

Patient Progress

Patient Progress


My son called from graduate school, somewhat discouraged. As part of his degree program, he works with ninth graders, spending his days trying to convince jaded 13 and 14 year olds to care about literature. He’s new to the field and discovering that the major struggle in teaching is not making a lesson plan, but […]

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year

Catholic Mom’s Café: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year


Do you think you would benefit spiritually by spending thirty hours in prayer and meditation?  Yeah, right, you are likely thinking.  Where would I find time for that? I’m a very busy mother. Motherhood has its ironies.  When we are pregnant and feel the need to “rest up,” sleep is often hard to come by.  […]

Spiritual Growth Within a Catholic Family, Part Two

Spiritual Growth Within a Catholic Family, Part Two


Please read Part One of this article here: Spiritual Growth Within the Catholic Family, Part One If you’re a Catholic Mom or Dad, chances are good that you might be striving to make your faith a hallmark in your family. That’s a great goal. But what that looks like day-to-day and year-to-year may shift and […]