Tag: "St. James"

John and James

John and James


It was time to make their move. Usually it was Peter who took the initiative, but now it was their turn. They cleared their throats and asked the master for the best seats in the house, the places of honor right next to the throne. Of course, in this conversation, recounted in Sunday’s gospel, John […]

Commentary on the Epistle of St. James

Commentary on the Epistle of St. James


James “the brother of the Lord,” was a kinsman of Jesus.  James became the first bishop of Jerusalem, a post he held from AD 40 until 62 when he was martyred under the persecution wrought by Herod Agrippa.  The urgent work that James accomplished—he was a very productive leader—was to commission the Apostles to evangelize […]

The Memoirs of the Apostles:  The Epistles of Saints James, Peter, John and Jude

The Memoirs of the Apostles: The Epistles of Saints James, Peter, John and Jude


The seven Catholic Epistles written by Saints James, Peter, John, and Jude form a small but integral portion of the New Testament. These letters have always interested me, ever since I learned about the epistolary genre of Scripture when I was a boy at Catholic school. I wonder how much attention these writings receive, written […]

The Cross is the Key to Eternal Life

The Cross is the Key to Eternal Life


Action!  Saint James tells us that we must demonstrate our faith with actions.  As Catholics, that means taking up our crosses and following the Lord.  “Faith of itself, without works, is dead,” James says (2:17).  His teaching comes directly from the Lord.     At Mass word and deed connect.  The Scriptures offer the affirmation that […]

Martin Sheen Finds <em>The Way</em> on the Camino de Santiago

Martin Sheen Finds The Way on the Camino de Santiago


Lately it seems that many of my friends are either returning from a pilgrimage to a holy site in Europe or planning one.  I long to make a pilgrimage too, but since it’s not in the budget right now, I’ll have to settle for living vicariously.  Fortunately, a new movie titled The Way, starring Martin […]