Tag: "Terri Schindler Schiavo"

“Much Ado About Nothing?”  Ben Carson on Starving Terri Schiavo.

“Much Ado About Nothing?” Ben Carson on Starving Terri Schiavo.


Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, was recently quoted in the Washington Post  regarding the starvation death undergone by the severely brain injured (and NOT brain dead) Teri Schiavo, “We face those kinds of issues all the time and while I don’t believe in euthanasia, you have to recognize that people that are in that condition do have a […]

On Brother Paul O’Donnell’s Death and ‘Being There’

On Brother Paul O’Donnell’s Death and ‘Being There’


As news of the untimely death of Brother Paul O’Donnell spreads, there will be many remembrances by those who knew him well. Perhaps none more than Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo. Brother Paul distinguished himself, and the Church, by being the constant companion and supporter of the Schindler family as their severely brain damaged daughter, Terri, […]

The Divergent Dignities of Terri Schiavo and Roxy the Dog

The Divergent Dignities of Terri Schiavo and Roxy the Dog


Every now and then the biomedical community and the legal system are presented with the opportunity to rediscover our collective humanity through the lens of animal rights and animal cruelty. More often than not that lens has insufficient power to correct their distorted perception of human dignity. Having just passed the ninth anniversary of Terri […]

Two Inspirational Families

Two Inspirational Families


As I write this in mid-March I look forward to soon being with two special families, who because of the depth of their love for a family member, found themselves in the midst of an international spotlight they did not seek, and a fierce conflict they did not shirk. They are the families of Terri […]

‘Vegetative’ Patients May Be Fully Conscious: Lancet Study

‘Vegetative’ Patients May Be Fully Conscious: Lancet Study


A study published in one of the most respected medical journals in the world this month has found that many “vegetative” patients are in fact fully conscious and aware. Experts at the University of Western Ontario conducted the experiment by applying an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine, a common mechanism for measuring brain waves, to a large […]

Terri's Fight Continues

Terri’s Fight Continues


The death of Terri Schindler Schiavo in 2005 is a distant memory for most Americans. But for the family that spent seven years fighting Terri’s estranged husband and the court system to stop the starvation of their daughter and sister, recollections of the 13 days Terri lingered without food or water before finally succumbing to […]

Death in Springtime: Recalling Terri Schindler Schiavo

Death in Springtime: Recalling Terri Schindler Schiavo


It was the first day of spring in 2005. I was at the florist  in the seaside village where I grew up, assembling a basket of flowering spring plants for my sister who had just given birth. To have my hands immersed in budding greenery, inhaling earthy scents, replaced for a few moments the pall […]