Tag: "weight loss"

Want to Lose Weight?  Find Out How the Experts Do It!

Want to Lose Weight? Find Out How the Experts Do It!


“Physician, heal thyself.” (Luke 4:23) As a fitness expert, I practice what I preach, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.  Yet, like most people, I occasionally find that life gets too busy and the workouts and healthy habits temporarily fall by the wayside.  My clothes start to feel a bit snug and the number […]

How is Weight Watchers Like NFP?

How is Weight Watchers Like NFP?


In the late summer of 2000 I entered the doorway of the nearest Weight Watchers and tipped the scale at a little over 200 pounds.  After having two little boys within two years of each other, health issues from the first birth experience, and the death of my mother just days after my second son […]