Tag: "work"

Book Review: <i>Redeeming Administration</i>

Book Review: Redeeming Administration


With summer vacations winding down and the world getting back to the business of school and work, it is the perfect time to read Redeeming Administration: 12 Spiritual Habits for Catholic Leaders (Ave Maria Press, 2013). Author Ann Garrido serves as a program director at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Lewis. Having been […]

A Market for Disability: Down Syndrome and the Economic Imagination

A Market for Disability: Down Syndrome and the Economic Imagination


In a powerful profile of his son Jamie, a young man with Down syndrome, Michael Be?rube? explores some of the key challenges that those with disabilities face when trying to enter the workforce: The first time I talked to Jamie about getting a job, he was only 13. But I thought it was a good idea to […]

 Three Ways to Be Catholic at the Cubicle

Three Ways to Be Catholic at the Cubicle


A few weeks ago, I was reading an excerpt about how a man chose to serve as a missionary on a college campus following graduation. He said that he decided to become a missionary because he wanted to something meaningful with his life and not just push papers in an office. As an office worker […]

Millennials' Siren Song

Millennials’ Siren Song


Occupy Wall Street activist and “independent journalist” Jesse Myerson recently made waves when he penned a piece for Rolling Stone in which he laid out five major policy priorities that Millennials should be fighting for, including such novel concepts as “guaranteed work for everybody,” and “take back the land.” Perhaps the best indicator of the sheer lunacy […]

Hope for the Workplace: Christ in You

Hope for the Workplace: Christ in You


Do you bring Christ to your workplace? If you work for a faith-based organization, the answer to that question may be an easy “yes.” However, the vast majority of Catholics and Christians work in secular institutions. What happens then? Should Christians leave their faith behind when they enter the office door. In Hope for the […]

Four Simple Steps to Position Yourself For Success

Four Simple Steps to Position Yourself For Success


Today I was listening to a podast and once again heard the quote, “Luck: preparation meets opportunity.” As I was thinking about that, I was reminded of everything I’ve learned over the past year or so. For those who don’t know, I just quit my full-tie job to ‘go solo’. It was a huge leap, […]

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First


It was time to make another dreaded phone call telling  my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, […]

Bad Reviews are Good for the Soul

Bad Reviews are Good for the Soul


I vividly recall the first really negative review I received on a book. It was for a particular title in the All Things Girl series and the young person who wrote it was fairly scathing in what she said. She identified herself as one of three sisters who ranged in age from 10 to 15. […]

What are You Grateful For?

What are You Grateful For?


The question stared back at me from the email sent by a nurses’ professional group where I hold membership. I read it on a wet, dreary morning as I fretted about having to go to work. I wondered aloud when I would ever win the lottery. Still feeling sorry that I wasn’t an instant millionaire […]

Preaching, Teaching, and Washing Dishes

Preaching, Teaching, and Washing Dishes


“Wash more dishes,” my spiritual director inevitably advises me. This kicks off a prolonged spate of whining on my part. My children are brilliant whiners, and they have taught me well. “But … I’m not good at it!” I insist plaintively, sometimes silently, sometimes out loud. “And I don’t like it. And I didn’t do […]

Divine Detours

Divine Detours


One of my simple pleasures in life is reading Victoria magazine. The May/June 2013 issue features an article called “Destiny’s Detour.” The editors had asked readers to share stories of how their lives had turned out compared to what they thought life would hold for them when they graduated from high school or college. Victoria […]

They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love

They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love


If you’re of a certain age, you’ll recognize the title from an old folk hymn; we sang it repeatedly at Folk Mass in the 70’s and early 80’s.  While the song itself is no longer popular, the message behind it is timeless. I was contacted to see an inpatient at one of our busiest hospitals.  […]

Defending the Catholic Faith

Defending the Catholic Faith


Like many faithful Catholics, the resignation of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI left me feeling uncertain and deeply saddened.  For a few days, I felt a little weepy and the wet, slushy weather fueled my winter blahs. With a heavy heart, I went to work each morning as a visiting nurse in the community.  On one […]

Corporate Ladder to Heaven

Corporate Ladder to Heaven


Randy Hain is a model of a man with an “attitude of gratitude,” and his new book tells something of his personal journey from a man with little hope to one with much to be thankful for. Raised a Southern Baptist, he left that church for pursuit of his own worldly goals, but God kept […]

Is Emotional Intelligence Anything New?

Is Emotional Intelligence Anything New?


So you walk into your office and there is a yellow post-it slip that informs you to see the boss as soon as possible. You make your way around your colleagues as their stares increase a sense of anxiety. Your heart begins to pulse faster and you even begin to perspire. You knock in the […]

The "Balanced" Virtue of Temperance

The “Balanced” Virtue of Temperance


What comes to mind when you think of “temperance”?  Designated drivers downing pints of O’Douls or virgin daiquiris? The thrill of moral victory from leaving that last bite of chocolate cake on the plate? Lent? The other day I came across an article by MaryEllen Tribby (Founder and CEO of WorkingMoms.com) entitled “The Success Indicator,” […]

With Right to Work, Hell Freezes Over in Michigan

With Right to Work, Hell Freezes Over in Michigan


This just in: Hell freezes over, pigs fly, Jimmy Hoffa rises from the dead, joins labor protests at state capital. I’m just kidding. We all know pigs can’t fly. The fact, however, that the Legislature of my home state of Michigan has just voted to become the nation’s 24th right-to-work state is nothing short of […]

The Dignity of Work

The Dignity of Work


“From the beginning therefore he [man] is called to work. Work is one of the characteristics that distinguish man from the rest of creatures, whose activity for sustaining their lives cannot be called work. Only man is capable of work, and only man works, at the same time by work occupying his existence on earth. Thus work […]

What Guys Need to Know about Women

What Guys Need to Know about Women


Some months back, my sister came to visit, and we had an interesting chat. Chris lives in New York and is a vice president at a very large and internationally-known corporation. She’s at the top of the corporate world, and at the forefront of women making their way in a “man’s world.” We were talking about the need […]

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A Time For Daydreams


This week, summer is upon us. It is a time to relax and take life at a bit slower pace. Most children are out of school at this point and eager to have some fun. That fun can take many forms, including camps, or family vacations, or simply playing outside, reading a book, swimming in […]

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First

Making a Tough Decision: The Economics of Putting Family First


It was time to make another dreaded phone call telling  my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, […]