The Arts: Talent and Discipline

paint-brushesThe arts can nourish the human heart and soul and help to build character. Whether dance, music, theater, visual or literary arts, students must approach their chosen art-form with commitment, focus and discipline.

Talent and Discipline

What about talent? Talent is a gift, the source of inspiration and insight and is crucial to achieve excellence. But it’s nothing without discipline.

The successful American author H. Jackson Brown said, “Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There’s plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backward, or sideways.”

Artistic excellence requires endurance and persistent movement toward a well defined goal. Focus!

The Artist

And there is something else: One must believe in themselves — even when others do not believe in them. They must endure despite frustrations, failures and discouragements. They must believe in themselves. It builds the substance of artistic character.

If you are an aspiring artist and truly feel led to toward the arts, have the conviction that God has imbued you with raw talent that requires attention. You have a solemn duty to develop your talent to its fullest potential.

Be courageous and challenge preconceived limits. Strike out beyond yourself and be willing to fail until you succeed.

Roles for Significant Elders

There is an important role for elders to play in the creative young person’s life. Parents, grandparents, godparents and other significant elders can encourage young people if they detect potential, a spark of ability, an aptitude for music, dance and movement, a talent with art and form, a gift of expression and language.

Significant elders in a creative young person’s life can encourage talent to bud and bloom through education, quality instruction, mentoring, and providing environments that cultivate creativity and inspiration.

Mark Davis Pickup is chronically ill and disabled with degenerative multiple sclerosis. He is an advocate for life issues and disability inclusion across North America. He and his wife, LaRee, have been married for 38 years. They live in Alberta Canada with their two adult children and five grandchildren. Mark is available to address issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide, and issues revolving around suffering that often fuel calls for euthanasia. He writes regularly at http://markpickup.org and http://humanlifematters.org. For bookings, contact him by e-mail at MPickup@shaw.ca or telephone (780) 929-9230. Mark Pickup's bi-weekly column can be read in the Western Catholic Reporter (Canada) at http://www.wcr.ab.ca/.